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Amythaon ( ancient Greek Ἀμυθάων ) is a son of Tire with King Kretheus of Iolkos in Greek mythology . His siblings were Aison and Pheres , and he also had two half-brothers, the twins Pelias and Neleus , whom his mother gave birth to Poseidon .

He married Eidomene , the daughter of his brother Pheres, and with her fathered Bias and Melampus , who later received rule over Argos , and Aiolia , the wife of Kalydon and thus ancestor of King Oineus .

After the death of King Cretheus, Pelias tried to usurp the rule over all of Thessaly , lured the rightful successor Aison into a cave below Iolkos and banished his other brothers to Messenia , where they settled in Pylos with King Aphareus .

After the dispersion of the Sons of Pelops over the whole of the Peloponnese, Amythaon renewed the Olympic Games .



  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 11.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 7, 7.
  3. ^ Pausanias 5: 8, 2.