Ana Cristina de Oliveira

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Ana Cristina de Oliveira (born July 24, 1973 in Lisbon ) is a Portuguese - American actress .


Oliveira was the only daughter of a radio employee and initially planned a career as a journalist. She made her debut in a minor supporting role in the Portuguese film Until the Bitter End from 1991. In the US comedy Molly (1999) by John Duigan , she appeared on the side of Elisabeth Shue and Aaron Eckhart .

De Oliveira received US citizenship in 2003. In the action comedy New York Taxi (2004), the actress was seen alongside Queen Latifah as a member of the gang of models who committed robberies led by Vanessa ( Gisele Bündchen ) . The title role in the film drama Odete (2005) brought her a prize from the Entrevues Film Festival and the Prix ​​d'interpretation Janine Bazin for the best leading role at the Festival International Du Film Belfort .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c biography in the IMDb , accessed on July 15, 2008