Abraham Grafström is different

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Abraham Grafström is different

Anders Abraham Grafström (born January 10, 1790 in Sundsvall , † July 24, 1870 in Umeå ) was a Swedish Protestant clergyman, historian and poet .


Grafström became library secretary at Uppsala University in 1819 , lecturer in history in 1820 and lecturer at Karlberg Military Academy in 1821 . In 1831 he was appointed extraordinary court preacher in Stockholm, but in 1833 he went to the grammar school in Härnösand as a history teacher . In 1835 he became a pastor ( kyrkoherde ) in Umeå, where he lived until his death. From 1849 to 1867 he also served as provost . Between 1840 and 1851 he was a member of the parish of the Swedish State Council .

Grafström first appeared as a poet in the poetic calendars of the newer school and has later published a number of collections of poetry, such as Skalde-försök (Stockholm 1826–1832, 2 booklets), Sånger från Norrland (Stockholm 1841) and Nya sånger från Norrland (Stockholm , 1848), who are characterized by a mild seriousness, a pure, often elegiac feeling and classical form and show a special talent for nature paintings.

He brought out a complete edition of his poetry himself under the title Samlade skaldestycken (Stockholm 1864).

Grafström also wrote the text for the copper works Ett år i Sverige (Stockholm 1827–35) edited by Christian Didrik Forssell .

Grafström was admitted to the Swedish Academy in 1839 , where he sat on chair number 6 . From 1841 he also belonged to the Royal Swedish Academy of Music , from 1842 to the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture .

Other works

  • De lingua, originis gentis Sviogothicae indice . Uppsala, 1811.
  • Tal öfver Högstsalig Hans Majestät Konung Carl XIII , held at Gustavianska Lärosalen in Uppsala, on May 6, 1818. Stockholm, 1818.
  • De Statu Rerum Sveciarum ad Mortem Ingialdi Illråda Dissertatio Historica . (Involved Petrus Ephraim Oldberg and Johannes P. Bosén). Dissertation Uppsala 1820.
  • De reformatione religionis christianae post Lutherum continuata . Uppsala, 1829.
