Andrea Cassone

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Andrea Cassone (born April 29, 1929 in Cannitello di Villa San Giovanni , Calabria , Italy , † April 12, 2010 in Scilla , Calabria, Italy) was Roman Catholic Archbishop of Rossano-Cariati .


After completing his theological training, Andrea Cassone was ordained a priest on December 22, 1951 . After pastoral care he worked in the diocesan administration, most recently as vicar general .

Pope John Paul II appointed Cassone Archbishop of the Archbishopric of Rossano-Cariati in the church region of Calabria in 1992 . He was ordained bishop on March 24, 1973 by the Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova, Vittorio Luigi Mondello ; Co- consecrators were Giuseppe Agostino , Archbishop of Crotone-Santa Severina, and Aurelio Sorrentino , former Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova.

His age-related resignation was accepted by Pope Benedict XVI. Approved in 2006.

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predecessor Office successor
Serafino Sprovieri Archbishop of Rossano-Cariati
Santo Marcianò