Andrei Wassiljewitsch Kwassow

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Andrei Wassiljewitsch Kwassow ( Russian Андрей Васильевич Квасов ; * 1718 ; † 1772 ) was a Russian architect of the Russian Baroque .


In 1734 Kwassow became a student of the architect Mikhail Grigoryevich Semzow in the Moscow chancellery for the construction of the Lefortowo Palace and the Annenhof for the Empress Anna . From 1743 under Elisabeth , Kwassow worked as a trained architect with Sawwa Iwanowitsch Tschewakinski and Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli on the construction of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoje Selo .

For Alexei Grigoryevich Razumovsky , Kwassow built palaces in Koselez , Gostilizy and Snamenka . In 1748 Kwassow went to Ukraine and planned and built the new Hetmanat capital Hluchiw for Kirill Grigoryevich Rasumovsky . In Baturyn he built the Rasumovsky Palace , which Charles Cameron completely rebuilt 1799-1803 in the style of Palladianism . 1752–1763 built Kwassow with Ivan Hryhorowytsch-Barskyj on behalf of the mother of the Razumovsky brothers in Koselez the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

In Moscow on the Sennaya Ploshchad built Kwassow with the participation of Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli at the expense of the major entrepreneur Savva Jakowlewitsch Jakowlew 1753–1765 the Church of the Savior (Church of the Assumption of Mary) with a separate bell tower, which was demolished in the 1930s. In 1770 Kwassow was appointed architect of the Little Russia .

Kwassow's younger brother Alexei Wassiljewitsch Kwassow was an urban planner and architect of classicism .


Individual evidence

  1. Tsarskoe Selo State Museum: Andrei Kvasov (accessed November 21, 2017).
  2. a b c d Квасов А.В. - Россия, Russia (accessed November 21, 2017).
  3. Искусство Украины . In: Всеобщая история искусств . tape 4 , 1963.
  4. Искусство Украины . In: История искусства народов СССР . 1976.
  5. Яковлевы . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XLIa, 1904, pp. 611 ( [accessed November 20, 2017]).