Angela Stifft-Gottlieb

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Angela Stifft-Gottlieb (born October 11, 1881 in Vienna , Austria-Hungary ; died April 10, 1941 there ) was an Austrian prehistorian and museum director.


Angela Stifft-Gottlieb first worked with the prehistorian Anton Hrodegh , whom she described as her most important teacher throughout her life. After Johann Krahuletz's death in 1928, she was entrusted with the management of the Krahuletz Museum in Eggenburg . She succeeded in significantly increasing the collections and expanding the museum in both prehistoric and early history as well as folklore matters. There are numerous publications about this activity, which also included extensive excavation and discovery activities. Her achievements in the museum sector can be read in the annual reports of the Krahuletz Museum, which she publishes annually.

In addition to these main activities, she also succeeded in continuing and completing the inventory and display of the collection of Candidus Ponz, Imperial Knight of Engelshofen , at the Rosenburg , which began with Anton Hrodegh, who had died in 1926 . The entire collection has not been publicly accessible since 2012. The paleontological and scientific part of the collection was given to the Krahuletz Museum on permanent loan in 2013 and will be partially presented in the museum's permanent exhibition from 2014.

Angela Stifft-Gottlieb worked in the scientific field with important contemporaries such as Josef Bayer , Othmar Skala and Eduard Beninger . Her area of ​​work was the Lower Austrian Waldviertel and Weinviertel . Her publications corresponded to the state of knowledge of her time and are still valuable and quotable research results today. Her excavation technique was only appreciated a few years ago by the Czech prehistorian Jiri Waldhauser .


  • A skeleton grave from the middle Hallstatt period from Röschitz, N.-Ö. Communications of the Anthropological Society 61, 1931, p. 292ff.
  • A new interesting grave find from the older Bronze Age. Das Waldviertel 4, 1931, p. 7ff.
  • The late Celtic residential complex of Roggendorf bei Eggenburg, pol. District Horn, Lower Austria. Communications of the Anthropological Society 62, 1932, p. 266ff.
  • The Engelshofen collection at the Rosenburg. Find reports from Austria 1, 1932, 138ff.
  • The new Stone Age man from Eggenburg. Das Waldviertel 6, 1933, p. 64f.
  • Middle Latena Age graves from Klein-Reinprechtsdorf near Eggenburg, pol.Bez. Horn, Lower Austria. Communications from the Anthropological Society 65, 1935, pp. 169ff.
  • On the history of the excavations in the Teufelslucken near Eggenburg, Bez. Horn. The Waldviertel 7, 1937, p. 101ff.
  • The history of the excavations (1874-1931). In: The fox or devil gaps near Eggenburg, Niederdonau. 1st chapter. Edited by Kurt Ehrenberg , Otto Sickenberg, Angela Stifft-Gottlieb. Treatises of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna XVII, 1938, 5ff.
  • Linear ceramic graves with spondylus jewelry from Eggenburg, Lower Danube. Communications from the Anthropological Society 69, 1939, pp. 149ff.
  • The before u. Early historical collection of Candid Ponz, Imperial Knight of Engelshofen on the Rosenburg. Das Waldviertel 47, 1998, p. 250ff. (Publication of an inherited manuscript).
