Fear above the clouds

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German title Fear above the clouds
Original title Free Fall
Country of production USA ,
Canada ,
original language English
Publishing year 1999
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Mario Azzopardi
script Jim Wheat ,
Ken Wheat
production Gavin Mitchell
camera Rhett Morita
cut Mike Lee

Fear above the clouds (original title: Free Fall ) is an American - Canadian - German action thriller from 1999 . Directed by Mario Azzopardi and written by Jim Wheat and Ken Wheat .


Two Trans Regional Airline aircraft crash exactly one year apart. There are no survivors. National Transportation Safety Board employee Renee Brennan and FBI agent Scott Wallace are investigating the incidents. You are called by the supposed saboteur who threatens further catastrophes. That his threats are just as true as he is the perpetrator is proven by a crash that followed very soon. Brennan wants to shut down the company's aircraft fleet, but is unable to assert himself - as was the case a year earlier with the first catastrophe, in which no one wanted to listen to their theories. It promised to calm the fears of the potential passengers by officially speaking of human error as the cause of the crash.

The anonymous perpetrator first sabotaged Brennan's car, after which Brennan was put under surveillance for her safety. Brennan's friend Mark Ettinger is lured aboard an aircraft he has manipulated by a fictitious phone call from the saboteur. He dies in the crash.

The perpetrator surprises Brennan in her apartment, which he has entered unnoticed. He wants to talk to her - after turning off the phone, locking her son Patrick in his room and turning the lights off. However, since their house is under surveillance, worse can be prevented and he can flee.

Now that she has seen him, she can identify him as Michael Ives, the husband of the pilot of the first disaster. They track him down, but are a little too late - the next machine, which he manipulated again disguised as a mechanic, started a few minutes earlier. Nevertheless, it can prevent the catastrophe.

She is kidnapped by him while she is still on the tarmac - in front of Wallace's eyes. Ives reveals to her that he felt deeply humiliated when his wife was "simply" used as a scapegoat. It was only after reading Brennan's accident report that he had the idea of ​​showing people through his actions that it is not always the people who are to blame for the disasters, but that it can also be the technology. After Brennan is able to free himself from his violence, he is seen in a vehicle crashing into a tanker, whereupon they both explode. It looks like Ives is dead, but the bodies are burned beyond recognition.

Shortly thereafter, a shot pilot is found in the airport parking lot, which Wallace is reported. He reacts immediately and goes on board the machine in question, in which Brennan is also located. It quickly becomes apparent that a third "replacement" pilot, previously unknown to the stewardess, has come on board. The cockpit is locked, Ives has already switched off the pilot there and is starting the plane on his own. He plays recordings of his wife's death flight to the passengers over the on-board loudspeakers. It becomes clear that he is trying to recreate exactly this flight - the fifth possible cause of the accident: human error.

Ives is outwitted and shot, causing the plane to free fall uncontrollably. The pilots are dead, there is no one else who sees themselves in a position to control the machine. Brennan is brought into the cockpit; She has never actually flown, but at least she has gained experience in the flight simulator that will help her. She actually succeeds in stabilizing the plane and bringing everyone back down to earth in one piece.


The magazine prisma wrote that the film was " psychologically explosive " and " effective ".

The editors of www.new-video.de accused the film of a level of staging and presentation comparable to that of a television series. Only occasionally does " tension arise ". The plot " comes up with increasingly outrageous details towards the end, which damages the credibility ".


The film was shot in Toronto and Uxbridge, Ontario .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. prisma, accessed September 25, 2007
  2. www.new-video.de, accessed on September 25, 2007
  3. ^ Filming locations for Free Fall, accessed September 25, 2007