Aniello Falcone

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The Hermit , around 1650

Aniello (Angelo) Falcone (born November 15, 1607 in Naples , † after July 14, 1656 ibid) was an Italian painter and engraver .


Falcone was the son of the painter and gilders Vincenzo Faolcone († 1648) and his wife Giovanna de Luca. He was related to the painters Nicola and Pietro Falcone, as well as the great-uncle of the sculptor Andrea Falcone.

Falcone was a student of the painter Jusepe de Ribera , known as Lo Spagnoletto . Later he settled as an artist in his hometown and on January 23, 1636 opened a studio together with Matteo de Guido and Onofrio Masturzo , which soon expanded into a veritable painting school.

When in 1647 a popular uprising against Spanish rule broke out under the leadership of the fisherman Tomaso Aniello , known as Masaniello , Falcone joined this with students and other artists. Under the name Campagnia della morte they carried out assassinations and attacks, which were brutally retaliated by the Spanish occupation forces. After the bloody suppression of the revolt, Falcone fled to France , but returned to Naples a few years later. According to information in older encyclopedias, Aniello Falcone died in Naples in 1665 at the age of 65. He wrote his will in July 1656, recent literature assumes that he died of the plague a little later.

His students include Salvator Rosa , Paolo Porpora and Andrea di Lione .


Falcone especially painted battle pictures and thereby earned the name of an oracle of battles (Oracolo delle battaglie). There is great vitality in his rare paintings; the drawing is considered correct and the coloring is appealing. His engravings are considered light and witty. Some of his paintings are in the Prado in Madrid. Together with Salvator Rosa, Falcone was the founder of battle painting as a realistic depiction of the act of war and the most important role model for Jacques Courtois . He is considered to be the first Italian painter who created fictional battle paintings in contemporary garb without heroizing a central figure.

Works (selection)

  • Preparation for battle with Spanish soldiers. Oil on canvas 96 × 155 cm, private collection.


Web links

Commons : Aniello Falcone  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Birth Date. a. According to DBI, DNB, older sources such as Brockhaus (1895), Britannica (1911), Enciclopedia Italiana (1932) and the General Lexicon of Visual Artists (based on a biography by Bernardo De Dominici) indicate the year of birth as 1600.
  2. ↑ Dates of death according to DBI, older sources such as Brockhaus (1895), Britannica (1911), Enciclopedia Italiana (1932) give 1665 as the year of death.
  3. Falcone, Aniello . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 11 : Erman-Fiorenzo . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1915, p. 216–217 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  4. Falcone, Aniello (Angelo) . In: Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon 1894–1896, Volume 6, p. 534.
  5. by DBI.
  6. Falcone, Aniello . In: Encyclopædia Britannica . 11th edition. tape 10 : Evangelical Church - Francis Joseph I . London 1910, p. 140 (English, full text [ Wikisource ]).
  7. Klaus Bußmann , Heinz Schilling : 1648 - War and Peace in Europe. Catalog volume and two text volumes, Münster 1998 [Documentation of the Council of Europe exhibition on the 350th anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia in Münster and Osnabrück.] Münster / Osnabrück 1998, ISBN 3-88789-127-9 , p. 145.