Anne-Marie Holenstein

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Anne-Marie Holenstein (born October 31, 1937 in Heiden ) is a Swiss German scholar . She was a founding member and first secretary of the development organization Declaration of Bern (today Public Eye ). She was an editor at Radio DRS and director of the Catholic aid organization Fastenopfer . In 2009 she received from the Theological Faculty of the University of Lucerne , the honorary doctorate awarded.


Anne-Marie Holenstein grew up in Rorschach on Lake Constance . She studied German and Romance languages at the University of Zurich and spent two semesters abroad at the Sorbonne in Paris . In her dissertation , which she wrote with Max Wehrli , she dealt with the biography of the Konstanz mystic Heinrich Seuse . She graduated in 1967. Holenstein is the mother of two children.


Holenstein worked as a primary school teacher during her studies and in 1969 was asked by the social ethicist Hans Ruh to take over the secretariat of the patronage committee of the Bern Declaration . Until 1982 she was the head of the food, agriculture and ecology department at the Bern Declaration . From 1995 to 2000, Holenstein was director of the Catholic aid organization Fastenopfer. From 2002 to 2012, Holenstein had a mandate from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ( SDC ) on the role and importance of religion and spirituality in development cooperation . She is on the initiative committee of the corporate responsibility initiative .


In November 2018, Holenstein left the Roman Catholic Church together with five other well-known women . The reason was the equation of abortion with contract murder by Pope Francis .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Title page / curriculum vitae in: Anne-Marie Holenstein-Hasler: Studies on Heinrich Seuse's Vita. Zurich 1968 (dissertation).
  2. Monika Jakobs: Laudation from Prof. Dr. Monika Jakobs, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, on the Dies Academicus 2009 of the University of Lucerne. (PDF) Retrieved February 6, 2019 .
  3. ^ A b Anne-Marie Holenstein, Regula Renschler, Rudolf Strahm: Development means liberation - memories of the pioneering days of the Berne Declaration . Chronos, Zurich 2008, ISBN 978-3-0340-0917-1 .
  4. ^ Chronos Verlag: Anne-Marie Holenstein. Retrieved February 6, 2019 .
  5. Anne-Marie Holenstein (among others): Religions - Potential or Danger? In: ReligionsRecht im Dialog . tape 9 . Lit, 2010.
  6. Corporate Responsibility Initiative: Personalities. Retrieved August 18, 2020 .
  7. Simon Hehli: Left women leave the church - because of the Catholic "misogyny". In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. November 18, 2018, accessed February 6, 2019 .