Annette Krebs

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Annette Krebs Construction-3 2019 Photo Steffi Weismann.jpg

Annette Krebs (* 1967 in Saarland ) is a German musician , sound artist and composer


Annette Krebs studied music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main and has lived in Berlin since 1993. During her classical music studies, she began to develop her own solo compositions with a 4-track recorder and prepared instruments. Her activity as an artist in free painting also influenced her music. In order to realize new sounds and solo compositions, she has been developing instrumental electro-acoustic sculptures and constructions since 2013 , within which sounds and noises are transformed live-electronically .

Before developing the construction series, she used and researched the electro-acoustic guitar in connection with tape, loudspeakers and preparations as a basis for composition and an instrument. In collaboration a. a. With Andrea Neumann , Robin Hayward , Alessandro Bosetti , Burkhard Beins , Axel Dörner , Ana Maria Rodriguez, Jean-Luc Guionnet , Annegret Pencileiner , Andrea Ermke, David Dove and musicians from the Japanese onkyo scene, she developed music at the interface between improvisation and composition . Tones, noises and played sounds were interwoven and collaged as musical material of equal importance.

Her current projects include solos for objects, computers and multiple loudspeaker arrangements ( constructions ), audiovisual collaborations, compositions and improvisations with, among others, Steffi Weismann , Jean-Luc Guionnet and Annegret Leuchteiner .

Works (selection)

  • Construction # 4 Live sculpture made of sheet metal, strings, objects, microphones, computers and 2 speakers (2018)
  • Construction # 3 Solo for eight live speakers (2017)
  • Construction # 2 Tro / Construction # 2 Karkk (2016)
  • Construction # 1 Solo for sheet metal, strings, voice, objects, samples, computer and 2 loudspeakers (2014–15)
  • Saw three audio portraits for objects and computers (2016/17)
  • Cold glow for construction # 4 and live video with Steffi Weismann (2019)
  • Go for strings, LEDs, objects, voice and live electronics with Osvaldo Budón and Tomomi Adachi
  • Concert for 6 loudspeakers (2011)
  • Untitled VIII for the Ensemble Maulwerker (3 performers, 4 loudspeakers and live electronics, 2010)
  • Untitled VII for the Ensemble Femmes Savantes (voice, viola, 3 loudspeakers and live electronics, 2010)
  • Untitled IV for prepared electric guitar, objects and 2 loudspeakers (2008)
  • Untitled III for prepared guitar, objects and 2 loudspeakers (2007)
  • Untitled for the Zeitkratzer Ensemble (2011)

Concerts (selection)

Akademie der Künste Berlin , Festival Heroines of Sound, Berlin, Klangwerkstatt Berlin , Donaueschinger Musiktage , Ostrava Days, Norwegian center for technology in music and the arts NOTAM , Festival Vancouver New Music, LMC Festival London, Biegungen Abroad , Berlin, Goethe-Institut Mexico city

Essays, press and radio

  • Essay on real-time in real-time music berlin self-defining a scene / self-defining a scene, Wolke Verlag 2011, pages 163–164
  • Essay about the lecture I hereby withdraw from New Music , Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2012 in Nutida Musik, issue1, January 2013
  • Essay on the creative potential of the error, positions - texts on current music 2009, issue 79
  • Conversation: real-time music - old questions new: form and content . A conversation by Gisela Nauck with Anette Krebs, Andrea Neumann, Serge Baghdassarians, Burkhard Beins and Axel Dörner, in: Positions . Contributions to New Music, 62, 2005
  • Portrait: his Voice (CZ) January 2008, pages 38/39
  • One voice for nothing , portrait of Annette Krebs by Thomas Winkler, January 2003, Taz-Berlin
  • Portrait of Annette Krebs, The Wire - Adventures In Modern Music (UK) # 225 | 20th Anniversary Issue | November 2002
  • Portrait of Annette Krebs by Björn Gottstein, WDR-3, Studio Electronic Music - Streamline 14, June 2004

Scholarships, prizes (selection)

  • 2019 Goethe-Institut, funding of a guest tour to Australia and New Zealand with construction # 4
  • 2017 Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, research grant for new music and sound art
  • 2017 EMS Elektronmusik Studion Stockholm, composition grant for construction # 3
  • 2016 Akademie der Künste Berlin, studio for electroacoustic music, work stay
  • 2016 Goethe-Institut sponsorship of a tour to South America and Mexico with construction # 2
  • 2015 Festival Arte Sonoro Español FASE, Berlin Prize winner with construction # 1
  • 2010 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris Composition grant from the Berlin Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture

Web links