Nice attack in 2020

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After the knife attack.

The attack in Nice on October 29, 2020 was an alleged Islamist terrorist attack in which three people were killed with a stabbing weapon in an attack in the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption church in Nice . The police arrested a suspect near the crime scene.


The act took place just two weeks after the Islamist attack on the teacher Samuel Paty near Paris ; Observers put the attack in Nice in the context of the murder of Paty. He had been killed by a young adult for Islamist motives because he had shown caricatures of Muhammad in his class on the subject of freedom of expression . The murder had sparked widespread protests in French society. The French government stepped up its efforts against Islamismproceed in France. Prime Minister Macron defended the showing of the Mohammed cartoons and thus sparked outraged reactions in several Arab countries. Some Middle Eastern countries called for a boycott of French products. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (AKP) also called for a boycott and sharply attacked Macron.

In 2016, Nice was the scene of one of the bloodiest attacks in French post-war history . On the national holiday , July 14, an Islamist drove a truck into a crowd and killed 86 people.

Sequence of events

The act took place in the largest Catholic church in Nice, the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption basilica . According to the responsible public prosecutor at a press conference on the evening of October 29, the perpetrator entered the building at 8:29 a.m. and fatally injured three people with a knife with a 17-centimeter blade within half an hour. The first victim was a 60-year-old churchgoer, who was cut in the throat and almost beheaded. He then murdered the sexton Vincent L., a 54-year-old family man who was preparing the first mass of the day, by stabbing the neck several times. The last victim was Simone BS, a 44-year-old native of Brazil, who was initially able to save herself to a nearby burger restaurant at 8:54 a.m., but died there from her injuries. At around 9:10 a.m., a patrol from the Police municipale , called by a witness , met. H. the city police, in the corridor of the side exit of the church, through which the 44-year-old had fled, on the perpetrator. He threatened the police and shouted " Allahu akbar ". The police shot the man first with a taser and then with their service pistols, a total of 14 times. The seriously injured man was taken to a hospital; in the evening he was still in mortal danger and could not be questioned. The murder weapon - the knife mentioned above - and a bag were found in the church, which contained a Koran, two cell phones and two other, unused knives. In addition, the investigators found a document from the Italian Red Cross on the man , which gave information about the stages of his trip to and in Europe.

Investigations and perpetrators

The French National Anti-Terror Prosecutor's Office PNAT (Parquet national antiterroriste) took over the investigation on the day of "murder and attempted murder in connection with a terrorist act".

According to the newspaper Les Échos , the perpetrator was a 21-year-old Tunisian, Brahim A., who had only entered France a few days before the crime. He was identified by a document from the Italian Red Cross that he was carrying. According to initial investigations, he landed on Lampedusa in a small boat from Sfax on September 20, 2020 and reached the mainland in Bari on October 9 . The Italian authorities had him at first because of the Covid-19 pandemic under quarantine asked and then asked him to leave the country. In France he had neither applied for asylum nor had he been identified there before the crime or was known to the security authorities. In Tunisia, too, Brahim A. was known neither as a hardliner nor by the security forces, according to a Tunisian judicial spokesman.

The day after the attack, a 47-year-old was arrested under suspicion of accomplice, who, according to investigators, was in contact with the perpetrator the day before the crime. He had given the Tunisian one of the cell phones that were found on him.


French soldiers of the " Opération Sentinelle " at the Paris Saint-Lazare underground station .
Soldiers in public spaces have been part of the picture in French cities since 2015. Prime Minister Macron announced that the operation would be stepped up after the attack.

After the attack became known, the Interior Ministry issued the highest terror warning level for all of France, Vigipirate urgence attentat .

French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron and other ministers came to Nice a few hours after the attack. The head of state spoke to the police and the mayor. Macron described the act as an "Islamist terrorist attack". France had been attacked, he said and announced increased protection of churches and schools. The anti-terrorist operationOpération Sentinelle ” (“Operation Sentinel ”) of the French military in Germany, which has been running for months, is to be increased from 3,000 to 7,000 soldiers.

The act was unanimously condemned by politicians. The French Prime Minister Jean Castex called the attack "an act as cowardly as it is barbaric, which leaves the whole country in mourning". The President of the European Parliament , David Sassoli , wrote on Twitter : "We have a duty to stand together against violence and against those who want to incite and spread hatred". Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel announced through her spokesman that she was "deeply shaken by the cruel murders in a church". Austria's Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said: “We will defend our values, our European way of life with all our might against Islamists and political Islam”.

The Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi ( Les Républicains ), called for France to "free itself from peacetime laws in order to wipe Islamo-Fascism once and for all from our national territory". The right-wing national Marine Le Pen ( Rassemblement national ) called for “special laws” to “render Islamist terrorists harmless”.

More attacks on the same day

On the same day there were further attacks on French targets. An attacker armed with a knife attacked a security officer at the French consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and injured him slightly.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Nice: Anti-terrorist public prosecutor investigates after attack with several dead. In: DER SPIEGEL. Retrieved October 29, 2020 .
  2. ^ France attack: Three stabbed to death in 'Islamist terrorist attack' . In: BBC News . October 29, 2020 ( [accessed October 29, 2020]).
  3. ^ First victim of Nice attacked named as 55-year-old church officer. October 30, 2020, accessed October 30, 2020 .
  4. ^ A b Attaque terrorist au couteau à Nice: ce que l'on sait. In: October 29, 2020, accessed on October 29, 2020 (French).
  5. a b c Attentat de Nice: un homme interpellé, soupçonné d'avoir été en contact avec le tueur. In: . October 30, 2020, accessed October 30, 2020 (French).
  6. a b Three dead in Nice - France proclaims the highest terror warning level. In: . October 29, 2020, accessed October 29, 2020 .
  7. a b France proclaims the highest terror warning level. Der Spiegel, October 29, 2020, accessed on October 29, 2020 .
  8. a b Berliner Zeitung: Macron condemns “Islamist terrorist attack”. Accessed October 30, 2020 (German).
  9. ^ Matthias Rüb: The assassin's path led via Lampedusa. In: FAZ . October 30, 2020, accessed October 30, 2020 .
  10. Nice terror in church: knife attack on Christians while praying., October 29, 2020, accessed October 30, 2020 .
  11. Assassination attempt au couteau à Nice: les premières réactions des politiques et des religieux. In: . October 29, 2020, accessed on October 29, 2020 (French).
  12. ^ Knife attack at the French consulate. n-tv, October 29, 2020, accessed on October 29, 2020 .