Handsome lady's mantle

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Handsome lady's mantle
Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Genre : Lady's mantle ( Alchemilla )
Section : Erectae
Type : Handsome lady's mantle
Scientific name
Alchemilla speciosa

The handsome lady's mantle ( Alchemilla speciosa ) is a type of plant from the rose family (Rosaceae). It is placed within the genus Lady's mantle ( Alchemilla ) in the Erectae section.


The handsome lady's mantle is a tall plant. The stem is 20 to 70 centimeters long. Its length is 1.5 to 3 times that of the petioles . He is completely hairy. The hair stands at an angle of 45 to 90 °. The leaves are 4 to 12 centimeters wide, slightly funnel-shaped to wavy and 25 to 50% of the radius are incised. The end lobes are 30 to 50 ° wide, rounded and short parabolic-triangular to wedge-parabolic. They are imperforate to 2 to 5 millimeters (corresponds to 7 to 40%) and have 13 to 25 teeth. The teeth are 1 to 4 millimeters long, which corresponds to 2.5 to 10% of the spreading radius, and 1 to 4 millimeters wide. Their length to width ratio is 0.7 to 2. They are narrowly triangular to half-wart-shaped and mostly pointed. The top and bottom of the leaves are densely velvety, shimmering white, and the underside is densest. The stipules are pink at the base, their auricles are a maximum of four times as long as they are wide. In the spring they are toothed and have an enlarged canine tooth. The petiole hairs stand from 30 to 80 °. The stipules on the uppermost stem leaf are 7 to 13 millimeters long, are usually toothed with 5 to 11 lobes, lobed and incised to 33 to 55%. Their tips are 1 to 3 times as long as they are wide. The monochasias are often bifurcated into 2 monochasias and less dense than in Alchemilla mollis . The flower stalks are densely hairy and have a length of 1 to 4, rarely up to 7 millimeters. The flowers measure 2 to 4 × 2 to 6.5 millimeters. The goblets have thick hair. The sepals are spreading and have loose hair on their outside. They are 1.3 to 2 times as long as wide and 1.0 to 1.67 times as long as the goblet. The outer sepals are sparsely haired on the outside, 1.0 to 1.3 times as long and 0.4 to 1.0 times as wide as the sepals, and 0.8 to 1.67 times as long as the Chalice and outside slightly serrated. A fifth to a third of the length of the nuts protrudes.

The flowering period extends from June to August.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 102 to 106.


The handsome lady's mantle occurs in the Caucasus in tall herbaceous fields and meadows. The area is not well known.

In Central Europe the species is rarely found subspontaneously. It is naturalized in the Rätikon around the Lindauer Hütte ( Vorarlberg ). Here you can find the handsome lady's mantle in tall herbaceous corridors ( Adenostylion alliariae ).


The handsome lady's mantle is rarely used as an ornamental plant for rock gardens, borders, herbaceous beds and borders.


The species was first described by Robert Buser in 1893 .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Sigurd Fröhner: Alchemilla . In: Hans. J. Conert et al. a. (Ed.): Gustav Hegi. Illustrated flora of Central Europe. Volume 4 Part 2B: Spermatophyta: Angiospermae: Dicotyledones 2 (3). Rosaceae 2 . Blackwell 1995, ISBN 3-8263-2533-8 , pp. 13-242.
  2. ^ A b c Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants . Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 .