Ansorges Hechtling

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Ansorges Hechtling
Superordinate : Earfish relatives (Atherinomorphae)
Order : Toothpies (Cyprinodontiformes)
Subordination : Aplocheiloidei
Family : Nothobranchiidae
Genre : Epiplatys
Type : Ansorges Hechtling
Scientific name
Epiplatys ansorgii
Boulenger , 1912

Ansorges pike ( Epiplatys ansorgii ) is a West African representative of the killifish . The species is known as an aquarium fish but is rarely kept.


The species occurs in West Africa in the area of Gabon and Congo and lives there mainly in smaller rivers in the coastal rainforest areas.


The body shape is pike-like with an upper mouth, in captivity the males reach a total length of up to eight centimeters, while the females remain slightly smaller. The basic color is light silver, the body is covered with several rows of bright red dots arranged like stripes, the fins are bright orange. The dorsal fin is set back and only begins after the middle of the anal fin .

The species forms different local forms depending on the habitat, which can differ in color (especially in the area of ​​the fins).

Way of life

Ansorges Hechtling is a surface- living ambulance hunter . From the cover under floating plants, mainly insects and invertebrates , but also small juvenile fish, are preyed on by quickly advancing. In captivity, the animals are often noticed as spawn robbers.


The fish spawn in pairs. The eggs are individually attached to the root fibers or leaves of aquatic plants over the course of several days. Brood care does not take place.


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