Anton Falb

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Anton Falb (born October 2, 1905 in Mühlberg , Austria-Hungary ; † February 21, 1990 in Amberg ) was a German SPD politician .

After attending elementary and community school, Falb learned the trade of a commercial clerk and worked in several companies. In 1926 he was drafted into the military for two years, after which he worked as a community secretary. In 1936 he took over the office of district secretary of the SPD in Brüx , but lost it again in 1938 after the Sudetenland was incorporated into the German Reich and the SPD was banned there. Because of his full-time work with the banned party, Falb was arrested for a few months in December 1938. After he went to the Second World War as a soldier and was taken prisoner by the American, Soviet and Czechoslovakia , he returned in 1946 to his old job as a community secretary. He later took on the office of chairman of the DGB district committee in Amberg, and he was also chairman of the board of directors of AOK Amberg. In the state elections in 1950 , Falb won the direct mandate in the constituency of Amberg-Stadt und - Land , Sulzbach-Rosenberg and thus received a mandate in the Bavarian state parliament . In 1952 he ran unsuccessfully for the office of Lord Mayor of Amberg, but moved to the city council, of which he was a member until 1960. He retained his state parliament mandate, which he won in the elections in 1954 , 1958 and 1962 via the constituency list of Upper Palatinate , until 1966.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Amberg: Candidate for mayor since 1946