Anton Klingler

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Anton Klingler (born August 6, 1649 in Zurich ; † August 24, 1713 there ) was a reformed clergyman , theologian and university professor .


Klingler studied well in the German region theology. In 1677 he accepted a professorship in philosophy at the High School in Hanau , and in 1678 a professorship in theology. While he continued to teach in Hanau, he acquired at the University of Franeker one Dr. theol. 1681 he rejected a reputation as a university professor at the University of Groningen , and turned instead to his home city of Zurich.

A career as a clergyman followed in Zurich. In 1681 he became a deacon at the Predigerkirche , then in 1684 pastor of St. Peter . Four years later, from 1688 until his death in 1713, he was the chief pastor at the Grossmünster and at the same time antistes of the Zurich church. He was considered domineering and arrogant. In 1712 he prompted the Swiss government to intervene in the Toggenburg War .

Klingler was a bellicose person. He assumed the title of excellence on his own initiative and later carried out witch trials again .


  • Disputatio Theologica De Certamine Michaelis Archangeli Cum Diabolo Super Corpore Mosis. Quantz, Hanoviae 1681.
  • Bella Jehovae, Et Portio Israelis ... Bodmers sel. Erben, Zurich 1696.


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