Antoni Mączak

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Antoni Mączak (born March 30, 1928 in Lwów , Poland-Lithuania , Second Polish Republic ; died March 6, 2003 in Warsaw ) was a Polish historian.


As a child, Antoni Mączak experienced the Soviet occupation of Lviv in 1939 and the German occupation in 1941. He joined the Polish resistance and fought in the scout organization Szare Szeregi and in 1944 during the Warsaw Uprising in the Polish Home Army . Until the end of the war he was captured by Germany.

Mączak studied history at the University of Warsaw and has worked as a historian ever since. In 1981 he became a professor and until 1987 was director of the History Department of Warsaw University. He was a member of the Collegium Invisibile and a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences . In 1983/1984 the research fellow was at the Historisches Kolleg in Munich.

Mączak worked on the social and economic history of Poland in modern times. Mączak was a member of the communist party , but with the social-historical investigation Rządzący i Rządzeni (rulers and rulers) he set himself apart from the party guidelines of historical materialism . His study on traveling Życie codzienne w podróżach po Europie XVI – XVII wieku , published in 1978, became a standard work in English translation. In 2017 it was also published in German translation.

Fonts (selection)

  • Życie codzienne w podróżach po Europie XVI – XVII wieku . Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1978
    • Travel in Early Modern Europe . Translation by Ursula Phillips. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995
    • “A carriage is like a street whore”. Travel culture in old Europe . Translation Reinhard E. Fischer , Peter O. Loew. Schöningh: Paderborn 2017 ISBN 978-3-506-78485-8 .
  • (Ed.): Natural resources in European history: a conference report . Washington, DC: Resources for the future, 1978 ISBN 0-8018-2237-8
  • with Hans Jürgen Teuteberg (ed.): Travel reports as sources of European cultural history . Wolfenbüttel: Herzog-August-Bibliothek, 1982
  • (Ed.): East-Central Europe in transition: from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985 ISBN 0-521-25792-1
  • Rządzący i rządzeni. Władza i społeczeństwo w Europie wczesnonowożytnej . Warsaw 1986, ISBN 978-83-06-01417-4 (Rulers and rulers. Power and society in early modern Europe)
  • The state as a company. Nobility and officials in Poland and Europe in the early modern period (= writings of the Historical College. Lectures . Vol. 10), Munich 1989 ( digitized version )
  • with Elisabeth Müller-Luckner (Ed.): Client systems in Europe in the early modern period (= writings of the Historisches Kolleg. Colloquia. Vol. 9) Munich, Oldenbourg 1988 ISBN 978-3-486-54021-5 ( digitized version )
  • The State as a Company: Nobility and Office Holders in Poland and Europe in the Early Modern Era . Munich: Stiftung Historisches Kolleg, 1989 (32 pages)
  • with Christopher Smout (Ed.): Founding and importance of smaller cities in northern Europe in the early modern period . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991
  • (Ed.): The early modern state in Eastern Central Europe . Volume 1 Augsburg: Wißner, 1999
  • Unequal Friendship: Client Relationships from Antiquity to the Present . Translation by Peter Oliver Loew. Osnabrück: fiber, 2005

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thorsten Gränke: Where do you go to the rarities cabinet? Review, in: FAZ , July 8, 2017, p. 12. Grabe measures approx. 100 pages of the original in the German translation.