Antonio Ruiz-Pipó

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Antonio Ruiz-Pipó (born April 7, 1934 in Granada , † October 17, 1997 in Paris ) was a Spanish pianist and composer .


In his childhood, Antonio Ruiz-Pipó was music first with the Flamenco Posted -Gesang. His father died in the Spanish Civil War in 1937 . Ruiz-Pipó left Andalusia at the age of seven , began to learn Gregorian singing in an Escolania (chantery) in Barcelona and studied music in Barcelona towards the end of the 1940s , especially composition and piano, and from 1949 onwards with the Manuel de Falla scholarship in his hometown . In 1950 he made his pianist debut at the age of 15; a little later he wrote his first piano pieces and went on a tour through Andalusia. A grant from the French government enabled Ruiz-Pipó to study further in Paris , where he perfected his skills with Salvador Bacarisse and Maurice Ohana . In 1958 he composed his most famous work today, Chanson et Danse No 1 for guitar solo. In 1962 Ruiz-Pipó founded the Bonaguil Nuits Musicales Festival , which he directed from 1976 until his death. From 1972 to 1992 he worked as an editor for national broadcasters in Spain, France and Canada. Antonio Ruiz-Pipó held lectureships at the École Normale de Musique and the Conservatoire de Paris in Paris until his death and continued to give concerts, often with well-known instrumentalists. In 1997 he succumbed to cancer.

Antonio Ruiz-Pipó was born with the set designer Ruth Ruiz-Pipó. Wetzel (born December 14, 1924 in Berlin ) married, the daughter of the composer Justus Hermann Wetzel . The marriage remained childless.

Compositional creation

Antonio Ruiz-Pipó composed tonally and often processed simple topics in a demanding way, including a. by working out sharp contrasts in timbre and mood. His works are therefore attributed to neoclassicism , which influenced him while he was studying in Paris. Ruiz-Pipó himself named de Falla and Albéniz as his most important role models . In addition to orchestral and vocal music , he was particularly interested in chamber music ; he wrote many pieces especially for piano and guitar.

Awards (selection)


  • Wolf Moser : A score never gives again what a composer wants. Interview with Antonio Ruíz-Pipo. In: Guitar & Laute 9, 1987, No. 5, pp. 8-15.

Web links

Individual evidence

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