Antonio Vieux

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Antonio Vieux (born August 28, 1904 in Port-au-Prince , † June 2, 1961 there ) was a Haitian writer , politician and diplomat .


Antonio Vieux studied law , practiced the profession of lawyer and held a professorship in literature .

From July 18, 1915 to August 1, 1934, during the United States occupation of Haiti , a philosophy of noirisme developed in Haitian literary circles, which questioned the orientation towards French neglect , genres and styles, and a Haitian movement, the farmers Emphasizing African origins and African cultural heritage in Haitian society.

In 1927 Antonio Vieux founded La Revue Indigène with Jacques Roumain , Carl Brouard and Philippe Thoby-Marcelin : Les Arts et la Vie , a Haitian literary magazine for African reality. He published a collection of poetry in various literary magazines and founded the bookstore “Aux livres pour tous” and a publishing house in Port-au-Prince.

From 1944 to 1946 he was Deputy Minister of Justice in the cabinet of Dumarsais Estimé .

In November 1947 he represented the Dumarsais Estimé government at the General Assembly of the United Nations in Lake Success . As a member of the Ad Hoc Committee, he informed his colleagues that Haiti would vote for the UN partition plan for Palestine . He was instructed to vote against the partition plan in order to force a $ 5 million loan from the Truman cabinet . It was possible to convince the Dumarsais Estimé government that the Truman cabinet could best be convinced by approving the division plan for this loan.

In 1948 he directed the Lycée Toussaint Louverture in Port-au-Prince.

From 1948 to 1949 he was Minister of Health and Education in Dumarsais Estimé's cabinet.

A vocal critic of François Duvalier , he was arrested by the Tonton Macoute on June 2, 1961 and tortured and murdered in Fort Dimanche .

predecessor Office successor
Minister of Health and Education of Haiti
1948 to October 14, 1949
François Duvalier

Individual evidence

  1. Noirisme
  2. Potomitan, Site de promotion des cultures et des langues créoles, Antonio VIEUX ou l'injustice
  3. ^ Dan Kurzman , Genesis 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War, New York: World, 1970, p. 20
  4. Michael R. Hall, Historical Dictionary of Haiti , p. 260