Antun Škvorčević

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Antun Škvorčević's coat of arms.

Antun Škvorčević (born May 8, 1947 in Davor , Yugoslavia , today Croatia ) is Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Požega .


Antun Škvorčević attended elementary school in his birthplace Davor, Zagreb and Slavonski Brod . Further education took place in the secondary school of the seminary in Zagreb. Antun Škvorčević studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the Catholic Faculty of Zagreb. He was ordained a priest on June 25, 1972 in the Archdiocese of Zagreb . Antun Škvorčević was assigned to the parish of St. Josef in Zagreb as chaplain . In 1976 Antun Škvorčević obtained his master's degree at the Catholic Faculty in Zagreb. His doctorateHe graduated from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 1981 . He then completed a three-year study of liturgical science at the Papal Liturgy Institute St. Anselm in Rome. Since 1983 Antun Škvorčević has been working for questions about catechesis at the Institute for Catechesis and the Institute for Lay Theology in the Archdiocese of Zagreb and has been President of the Institute for Catechesis since 1991 and until today.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on July 5, 1997 as the first bishop of the Požega diocese . He received his episcopal ordination on September 27, 1997, Cardinal Franjo Kuharić ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Zagreb , Josip Bozanić , and Archbishop Giulio Einaudi , Apostolic Nuncio in Croatia.

As President of the Croatian Bishops' Conference he heads the Commission for Liturgy and the Commission for Church-State Relations in Croatia. At the same time he is a council member at the Pontifical Croatian Institute of St. Jerome in Rome.

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