Apollinaris by Weber

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Apollinaris von Weber (born January 30, 1685 in Schwyz as Josef Anton Marian von Weber , also Anton Maria von Weber ; † December 18, 1761 ibid) was a Swiss Capuchin Father and Apostolic Prefect in Russia.


Weber was the son of the doctor and politician Jakob von Weber and came from the Schwyz country people family Weber . At the age of 18, in 1703, he entered the Capuchin Order and became part of the community of the Capuchin Monastery in Zug . He studied theology in Switzerland and at the University of Bologna . He also learned a few other languages, so that he ultimately mastered eight languages. In 1716 he became a preacher in Lucerne . He stayed there until 1719.

Weber was from Pope Clement XI. appointed apostolic prefect of the Russia mission and moved to Moscow . The Swiss Capuchins took over this mission from the Jesuits . In order to be able to do justice to his task, he received the diploma for practicing the cult from Tsar Peter the Great in 1724 . In addition, he received power of attorney to found a Capuchin monastery in Saint Petersburg . He remained in this area of ​​responsibility only until 1726. He then became court chaplain and confessor of Prince Jakob Louis Heinrich Sobieski in Poland . He brought his brother Dominik Benedikt von Weber there , who was promoted to court chamberlain and councilor to the prince. In 1738 Father Apollinarius returned to his homeland.

Weber's file is now in the Weber family archive in the Bern State Archives. The politician and doctor Franz Xaver von Weber was a brother alongside Dominik Benedikt von Weber


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Jacober: Weber, Dominik Benedikt von. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 3, 2013 , accessed April 21, 2019 .
  2. List of Deposita the family archive of Weber in the State Archives of Bern , p 4 (accessed on 22 April 2019).