Apostasia Shenzhenica

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Apostasia Shenzhenica
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Orchids (orchidaceae)
Subfamily : Apostasioideae
Genre : Apostasia
Type : Apostasia Shenzhenica
Scientific name
Apostasia Shenzhenica
ZJLiu & LJChen

Apostasia shenzhenica is a kind of the genus Apostasia and thus belongs to the family of orchid (Orchidaceae). The small herbaceous plants grow in southeast China.


Apostasia shenzhenica is 8 to 12 cm tall. The plants form a rhizome , the roots have numerous 2 to 3 mm large, rounded nodules. The upright shoot has a diameter of 1.8 to 2.2 mm. In its lower half it is surrounded by tubular, 7 to 10 mm long lower leaves . In the upper area of ​​the stem axis there are seven to ten leaves , sometimes more. These are oval to oval-lanceolate, they end pointedly with a small, 1 to 1.5 mm long thread-like tip. The base of the leaf includes the stem and forms a short petiole. The leaves measure 16 to 32 mm in length and 6 to 12 mm in width.

The terminal, branched inflorescence is sloping. Flowering plants were found from May to June. The inflorescence becomes 10 to 22 mm long and has four to nine flowers . The flowers are pale yellowish green and barely open. The oval bracts measure 3 to 4 mm in length. Ovary and flower stalk are together 4 to 6 mm long. Sepals and petals hardly differ. The three outer petals are narrowly elliptical, 2.7 to 3.5 mm long and 0.9 to 1.1 mm wide. The three inner ones are slightly shorter and wider: 2.5 to 3 mm long and 1 to 1.2 mm wide. The column arises from the stamens that have grown together at the base and the stylus . It is straight and 0.5 mm long. There are two fertile stamens and a sterile staminodium . The staminodium is only free in the front third, otherwise it has grown together with the column, its tip protruding slightly beyond the stylus. The free part of the stamens becomes 0.3 mm long, the anthers are 1.2 to 1.3 mm long and 0.5 to 0.6 mm wide. The free part of the stylus is 1.2 to 1.3 mm long, without longitudinal ridges, it bears the indistinct three-lobed scar at the end . The resulting cylindrical capsule fruit measures 11 to 13 mm in length and 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter.


Apostasia shenzhenica was found in the Chinese province of Guangdong , east of the city of Shenzhen . The locations are at a height of 200 m. The plants grow in evergreen deciduous forest on loose, stony soil.

Systematics and botanical history

Apostasia shenzhenica was first described in 2011 by Liu Zhong-Jian and Chen Li-Jun . Within the genus Apostasia they arrange Apostasia shenzhenica in the Apostasia section . In contrast to the Adactylus section, these plants have a staminodium. The first descriptors compare Apostasia shenzhenica with the species Apostasia ramifera from the island of Hainan and with Apostasia nipponica , both of which have a similar appearance. In both cases, however, the staminodium is shorter than the stylus. Apostasia wallichii , a species that also occurs in China, is much larger and has linear leaves.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Chen Li-Jun, Liu Zhong-Jian: Apostasia shenzhenica, A New Species of Apostasioideae (Orchidaceae) from China . In: Plant Science Journal . tape 29 , no. 1 , 2011, p. 38-41 , doi : 10.3724 / SP.J.1142.2011.10038 .
  2. ^ EF de Vogel: Monograph of the Tribe Apostasieae (Orchidaceae) . In: Blumea . tape 17 , no. 2 , 1969, p. 338 .

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