Arm (heraldry)

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The arm is a common figure in heraldry . The human arm is taken. The representation in the coat of arms can have different basic forms. The arm can be individually or in pairs in the coat of arms or above, in the upper coat of arms . If the arm representation stops before the bend, it is described as a hand .

The description of the coat of arms determines whether it is a right or left arm; but is already determined by the selected field and direction of the arm in the coat of arms, since the inner palm should be directed towards the viewer. Examples are the coat of arms of the Stargard rule and the coat of arms of Neustrelitz . In the latter, the description of the coat of arms could be as follows: In the right red field a growing silver arm with a sleeve at the gap, a flying bow on the hem, in the hand a gold diamond-studded ring ... Another example is the coat of arms of the diocese of Graz-Seckau .

This heraldic figure appears frequently in English heraldry and on Rhenish and Lorraine coats of arms.

Woman arm

The women's arm is a special form, often referred to simply as a sleeve . It is usually angled and can only be emblazoned as a woman's arm with the additional accessories. One possibility is the representation with a short blouse upper arm as in Veendam or the large handbag hanging in the crook . This is also known as a book bag . Another shape is to hold a ring with a special gemstone between two fingers. Flying bows can decorate the arm. It is shown in the natural color .

Armored arm

Then an armored form of the arm is also possible. In analogy to the armored leg , it is called armored arm in heraldry . A sword, a lance, a stemmed flower (rose, lily) or other objects can be given to hold in the hand.



  1. a b Gert Oswald : Lexicon of Heraldry. VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1984.

Web links

Commons : Arms in Heraldry  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Women's Arms in Heraldry  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files