Poor Minasian

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Armen Andreas Minasian (born June 11, 1959 in San Francisco , California ) is an American film editor .


After poor Minasian his first assistant editor for the editor Brian Tagg in 1984 China Blue day and night had graduated, he worked in the following years for editors like Bruce Green , Glen Morgan and Robert C. New, before coming to William M. Anderson came , and assisted him in films such as The 1969 Generation and The Dead Poets Club . He also worked with Anderson from 1990 to 1996 as co-editors. So he edited films like 1492 - The Conquest of Paradise and In the Swamp of Crime at his side .

With Trabbi goes to Hollywood , a film with Thomas Gottschalk , Minasian had sole responsibility for editing a film for the first time in 1991 .

Filmography (selection)

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