Arnd Wittig

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Arnd Wittig (born October 13, 1921 in Großbauchlitz near Döbeln , Saxony; † June 7, 1999 in Schwedt / Oder ) was a German sculptor .


Arnd Wittig took his first visual arts lessons from the painter Ewald Schönberg (1882–1949) during his commercial training in Dresden . From 1941 he was a soldier in World War II and was briefly captured at the end of the war. Then in 1951 Wittig began studying plastic at the Dresden Academy with Eugen Hoffmann . When his teacher was discredited in the " formalism dispute " and was no longer allowed to accept students, Wittig left the university and worked as a freelance sculptor from 1952; until 1967 in Dresden and then in Frankfurt (Oder) . In 1971 Wittig moved to Schwedt, first becoming a lecturer at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art and then from 1979 to 1986 professor at the Dresden University of Fine Arts.


Münchner Platz memorial in Dresden
Stele "Power of Socialist Culture" in Schwedt

In 1963 Wittig received the Nexö Art Prize of the City of Dresden, and in 1969 the Kleist Art Prize of the City of Frankfurt (Oder). In 1972 he was awarded for the German-Polish War Memorial in Berlin Friedrichshain the National Prize of East Germany and the Cavalier Cross of the Order of Poland Reborn .

Works (selection)

Web links

Commons : Arndt Wittig  - Collection of images, videos and audio files