Arnold Japha

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Arnold Dan Japha (born September 12, 1877 in Königsberg (Prussia) , † May 16, 1943 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German doctor, anthropologist and zoologist.


His family's ancestors were musicians, merchants and doctors. His father Walter Japha held the office of a city council in Königsberg as a wholesale merchant, his mother was Margarete Japha, nee. Lehmann. He had a twin brother Erich, Georg and Felix Japha were also his brothers. The family professed their Protestant faith and had Jewish ancestors.

He attended the Royal Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Königsberg from 1887 to 1898. He then studied in Freiburg im Breisgau and Königsberg. He passed the medical state examination in 1901. In the same year he received his doctorate. med. at the University of Königsberg . As a volunteer in the military, he served for one year in the field artillery regiment 52.

Academic career and wartime

From 1902 to 1903 he worked as a ship's doctor on the line to South America. He worked as an assistant at the Zoological Museum of the University of Königsberg from 1903 to 1907, and in 1904 he took on a job at a whaling station in Iceland . He was also entrusted with the same issues in Fär Oerne in 1906 and then also at the zoological station in Trieste and other places.

During these years he repeatedly completed military exercises, so that he was promoted to junior physician (1903) and senior physician (1905) in the medical service career . His doctorate as Dr. phil. he won in 1907 at the University of Königsberg with the subject on the skin of North Atlantic furrow whales .

He worked at the Zoological Institute in Tübingen from 1907 to 1909, before moving to the Zoological Institute in Halle in 1910. There he was able to achieve his habilitation in 1910 with the subject The hair of the cetaceans in the subject of zoology . During a military exercise in 1912 he was promoted to medical officer. On August 4, 1913, he married Adolfine Marie Katharine Eckleben (born February 14, 1890 in Berlin), daughter of Dr. Selmar Eckleben from Danzig and his wife Elisabeth Wittschewsky. His daughter Elisabeth was born on August 13, 1914.

On August 2, 1914, he was called up for military service in the No. 4 foot artillery regiment, and served at the front until Christmas 1918, where he was awarded the Iron Cross Class I and II.

In 1916 he was appointed professor. From 1921 he found employment as a city doctor for the city of Halle with the rank of magistrate medical councilor in the health department. The University of Halle appointed him as extraordinary in 1923 with teaching duties in the subject of anthropology . He belonged to the German Zoological Society and the Society for Physiological Anthropology.

Persecution in the Nazi regime

From 1933 he was hit with full severity by the Nazi regime's discriminatory measures. As early as September 1933, he was refused payment for teaching. A month later he was no longer allowed to work at the university. His license to teach was revoked on May 1, 1935. On December 31, 1935, the title of professor was revoked in the application of the National Socialist Citizenship Act . Because of his service as a front soldier and his work in the city health service, he was able to receive a small pension, whereby he was in Schwuchtstrasse in 1935. 17 lived.

In the following years he was exposed to the Nazi terror and the threats, slander and harassment of the Gestapo more and more. When he was about to be deported to an SS extermination camp in 1943, he died on May 16, 1943 by suicide.


Stumbling block for Arnold Japha

On October 25, 2013, a stumbling block was laid in front of his last house in Halle at Schwuchtstrasse 6 (formerly 17) in memory of Arnold Japha .

Fonts (selection)

  • About the skin of North Atlantic furrow whales , in: Zoological Yearbooks: Department of Anatomy; 24. - Königsberg, university dissertation, 1907
  • The hair of the cetaceans , Jena 1910
  • Influence of the removal and overplanting of the gonads on the secondary sexual characteristics of the animals , in: Biomedical and Life Sciences, Chemistry and Materials Science and Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 2, Number 32 / August, 1914, pages 791-793
  • Recent studies on the way of life and distribution of the pinworm (Oxyuris vermicularis L.) , in: Bad 14, booklet 16, p. 342f


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