Artaphernes (son of Artaphernes)

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Artaphernes (also Artaphernes ; medisch Rtafarnah ), son of Artaphernes , was a Persian commander of the Achaemenid Empire in the 5th century BC. As the grandson of Hystaspes and nephew of Dareios I , he was himself a member of the Achaemenid dynasty.

After Mardonios' unsuccessful campaign against Greece (492 BC), the Persian great king appointed his nephew Artaphernes, together with Datis, to command an army that was destined to fight Athens . The Persian troops gathered in Cilicia , sailed from there on board a fleet of 600 ships via Samos to the Cyclades , conquered Naxos and burned the city and its temples there. The other islands surrendered to the Persians. On Euboea , Karystus and Eretria fell into their hands. In the Battle of Marathon they were defeated in 490 BC. Defeated by the Athenians. Artaphernes and Datis then returned to Asia. 480 BC Artaphernes belonged to the invading army of his cousin Xerxes I , in which he led the commandments of the Lydians and Mysers .

Possibly the younger Artaphernes was his after 486/85 BC. Father who died in BC was succeeded as satrap of Lydia .



  1. Herodotus , Historíai 6:94 .
  2. Herodotus, Historíai 6:94 ; Cornelius Nepos , Miltiades 4.
  3. Herodotus, Historíai 6, 95 f.
  4. Herodotus, Historíai 6, 99 f.
  5. Herodotus, Historíai 6, 111 ff.
  6. Herodotus, Historíai 6, 118 f.
  7. Herodotus, Historíai 7, 74; Aeschylus , Persai 21.
  8. Kienast, pp. 30–31.