Arthur Booth

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Arthur Booth (born February 2, 1840 in Klein Flottbek , † June 5, 1916 in Renzow ) was a German businessman .


Booth was the son of the nursery owner John Richmond Booth (1799–1847) in Klein-Flottbek. His grandfather James Booth (1772–1814) was the founder of the tree nursery, which his father and later his brother John Cornelius Booth (1836–1909) continued. From 1856 Booth worked in business and initially completed an apprenticeship at the Baur company in Altona . He was then employed by a businessman in Manchester in 1859 for his China business. On a trip to the Far East , he came into contact with the Hamburg company Bourjou & Hübener and became their partner in 1862. Starting out in Hong Kong , Booth set up a branch for the company in Shanghai .

Arthur Booth married Clara Adolphine Hertz (1841–1915) in 1862, the daughter of the Hamburg shipowner Adolph Jacob Hertz . He was able to use this connection to his father-in-law in his activities in the Far East. In 1866 Booth returned to Hamburg and in 1869 acquired the Brandt country house on the Elbchaussee , known as the "pillar house". A short time later he gave up the house again in order to move to a country estate in Hamm in 1871 . Together with his brother-in-law Paul Hertz, the Hamburg merchant Hermann Strack and the Harburg factory owner August Behne, Booth founded the Saline Stade in 1872 .

As early as 1869 he began to sell parts of his property in Lichterfelde near Berlin. In the course of the further development of the Berlin area, Booth was active in real estate and construction companies.

In 1892 he bought an estate in Renzow. He had his main residence there from 1900 until his death. Booth was buried in the Nienstedten cemetery .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Walden: Booth, John Cornelius . In: Franklin Kopitzsch, Dirk Brietzke (Hrsg.): Hamburgische Biographie . tape 2 . Christians, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-7672-1366-4 , pp. 59-59 .