Arthur Bryks

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Arthur Bryks (* 1894 in Falkow near Radom , Kingdom of Poland , † 1970 in Genoa ) was a Hasidic painter, sculptor and book illustrator. In the 1920s he lived in Ascona .


Arthur Bryks was born in 1890 in Falkow, a village in the Polish territory of the Russian Empire, from a wealthy family of the Jewish tradition. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Basel (1915) and then began treating studios in Zurich , Paris , Berlin , Munich and Weimar . The friendship with Ferruccio Busoni opens up wide horizons in the world of art and culture in Zurich, the cultural center for many personalities.

In 1918 he moved to Ascona which, along with Zurich and Bern , had become a popular place of émigré intellectuals and artists. During this time he made friends with many artists and intellectuals, including Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin , both of Russian origin.


Amitié. Portfolio with 6 orig. Lithographs. Lugano 1928.


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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Theatrical Version: A portfolio from Arthur Bryks: Amitié. In: Paul Westheim (ed.): Das Kunstblatt . 14th year Gustav Kiepenheuer, Potsdam 1930, p. 94 .