Arthur Meyer

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Arthur Meyer (born July 28, 1884 in manor in Möser near Burg, Province of Saxony , † May 23, 1970 in Wiesbaden ) was a German lawyer in the Prussian military administration.


Born on the Möser manor near Burg (near Magdeburg) , Meyer attended the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Königsberg in Neumark . After he had passed the Abitur in 1904, he began to study law at the Eberhard Karls University in 1904 . On May 31, 1905, he was a member of the Corps Borussia Tübingen and distinguished himself as consenior and senior . As inactive , he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in the summer semester of 1906 . From the winter semester 1906/07 to the winter semester 1907/08 he was at the Royal University of Greifswald . He passed the trainee exam in 1908 and was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD. In 1911 he transferred to the military administration of the Prussian Army and in 1913 joined the VIII Army Corps in Koblenz as a military trainee director . At the beginning of the First World War still a lieutenant, he served as divisional director in the 8th Division (German Empire) , the 121st Division , the 224th Division and the 28th Division in the west and east. After passing 1920, the Intendanturassessorexamen, he came in the same year as Councilor for Reichsschatz- and poor asset management for the areas of the Occupation of the Rhineland . Since 1929 he was a senior government councilor , and in 1930 he was transferred from Koblenz to military district VI (Münster) . Four years later he became Corpsintendant in Military District I (Königsberg) . 1936 came to the new military district XII (Wiesbaden) as general director . In the Second World War he was Army Intendant in the Western Campaign and in the German-Soviet War from 1940–1942 . As general staff director (equivalent to lieutenant general) he was taken prisoner. Released in 1947, he lived in Wiesbaden. He was married to Käte born in 1912. Fisherman.


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 126/297.
  2. Dissertation: The official inspection of ships according to the public maritime law of the German Empire .