Arthur Walworth

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Arthur Clarence Walworth (born July 9, 1903 in Newton , Massachusetts , † January 10, 2005 in Needham , Massachusetts) was an American writer who appeared with various works on the history of the United States. He achieved fame primarily through his two-volume biography of US President Woodrow Wilson , the first volume of which brought him the Pulitzer Prize .


Walworth graduated from Phillips Andover Academy in 1921 and graduated from Yale University in 1925 . He then moved to China, where he taught English and modern European history for a year at Yali Middle School in Changsha . From 1927 he worked for the educational publisher Houghton Mifflin . During the Second World War he worked briefly as a writer of news programs for the United States Office of War Information .

In 1946 his first historical work Black Ships Off Japan: The Story of Commodore Perry's Expedition was published , which dealt with the diplomatic mission of Matthew Calbraith Perry and his Black Ships in Japan . On the advice of Harvard Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. , he began to study Woodrow Wilson. His ten-year study of the life history of the former US President, during which he conducted interviews with many of Wilson's companions and also traveled to Europe to evaluate source material, resulted in the publication of a two-volume biography in 1958: Woodrow Wilson, Volume I: American Prophet and Woodrow Wilson, Volume II: World Prophet . For the first part he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in the biography or autobiography category the following year .

In the years that followed, he wrote other works on American history, including America's Moment: American Diplomacy at the End of World War I (1977), a project he took over from his former mentor at Yale Charles Seymour , and Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (1986). In 1985 Walworth retired to a retirement home in Needham. He died there of cardiac arrest in 2005. He remained unmarried and childless throughout his life.
