Attila Gaál

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Attila Gaál (born June 9, 1944 in Nyíregyháza , Hungary ) is a Hungarian archaeologist and former museum director.


Gaál attended the boys' school on Garay Square in Szekszárd from 1950 to 1959 and then the János Garay High School until 1963 . From 1965 to 1968 he completed a teaching degree in history and sport at the Pécs University of Education and then reoriented himself professionally. Between 1969 and 1972 Gaál studied history at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest . From 1969 to 1974 he worked as an assistant museologist at the Ádám Béri Balogh County Museum (since 1989: Mór Wosinsky County Museum) in Tolna . In 1972 he completed his studies with a thesis on the 70-year development of the county museum founded in 1902. Between 1974 and 1981, Gaál was the curator of the Archaeological Collection at the County Museum and in 1980 he submitted his dissertation at the University of Science in Szeged . In 1981 he became deputy director of the county museum and from 1993 took over the post of museum director as county archaeologist, which he held until his retirement in April 2011.

Gaál obtained his diving license in 1987 and has been a member of Octopus , a society for underwater archeology , since 1993 . Underwater archeology is one of his specialties.

The archaeologist has been a founding member of the Section for Underwater Archeology in the Hungarian Society for Archeology and Art History (Magyar Régészeti és Művészettörténeti Társaság) since 1993.


  • 1975–1986: Research at the Turkish Plankenburg Szekszárd-Palánk (Jeni Palanka)
  • 1986–1994: Underwater research at the Roman Burgus Bölcske
  • 1996–1998: Head of underwater research on the Dutch warship Bato, which sank in 1806, near Cape Town , South Africa
  • 2005: Research at the 18th century cemetery in Tolna-Selyemgyár


Fonts (selection)

  • Kerámia leletek a Szekszárd-palánki török ​​palánkvár (Jeni-Palanka) területéről és feltárásából (Uncovered ceramic finds from the area of ​​the Turkish plank castle Szekszárd-Palánk (Jeni-Palanka)) . In: A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 32 (2010), pp. 401–452.
  • The research history of the Bölcske ship landing . In: Ádám Szabó , Endre Tóth (ed.): Bölcske. Roman inscriptions and finds . Budapest 2003, pp. 11-32. (=  Libelli Archaeologici Ser. Nov. 2.)
  • IV-V. századi kerámiaedények a Duna-meder bölcskei (Tolna m.) szakaszáról (ceramic vessels from the IV – Vth centuries from the river bed of the Danube near Bölcske (Tolna county)) . In: A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 20 (1998), pp. 19-48.
  • Római vaseszközök és rézedények a Duna medréből Dunaföldvár-Alsórévről (Roman iron tools and copper vessels from the bed of the Danube). In: A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve 19 (1996), pp. 191-218.
  • Császárkori vasdepot Dombóvár határából (Imperial Age Iron Depot from the district of Dombóvár) . In: Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungáriáé 1982, pp. 73–91.
  • with András Mócsy : Római sírkő Bátaszékről (Roman tombstone from Bátaszék) . In: A Béri Balogh Ádám Múzeum Évkônyve 10/11 (1982), pp. 407-411.
  • Későközépkori leletek Tolna megyéből I. (Late medieval finds from Tolna County) . In: A Béri Balogh Ádám Múzeum Évkônyve 8/9 ( 1977-1988 ), pp. 109-131.
  • Későrómai sírok Mözs-Kakasdombon (Late Roman graves on the Mözs-Kakasdomb) . In: A Béri Balogh Ádám Múzeum Évkônyve 8/9 (1977–1978), pp. 23–85.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Attila Selmeci Kovács, László Szabó (ed.): Néprajz a Magyar múzeumokban . Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest 1989, p. 138.
  2. The Bato project on the website of Octopus , a society for underwater archeology