August Friedrich von Boden

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August Friedrich Boden , von Boden since 1739 , (born August 26, 1682 in Magdeburg , † March 11, 1762 in Berlin ) was a Prussian finance minister.



His father was Michael Boden, tenant of the Gottesgnade monastery , and his mother Dorothea Schirmer.


Boden was enrolled at the University of Halle in 1702 and probably studied there. He went into the Prussian administration and came to the Calbe domain office . There he operated so successfully that King Friedrich Wilhelm I promoted him to senior bailiff and chamber councilor in 1721, and he was a member of the Magdeburg War and Domain Chamber . On January 11, 1724, he became Finance Councilor in Department IV of the newly established General Directorate , and at the same time he was the King's personal secretary in his cabinet. In 1733 all economic matters were already passing through his hands. He was head of the 3rd Department in the General Directorate when he was promoted to the Real Secret Budget and War Council on April 3, 1739, and on April 10 of the same year was raised to the nobility. He became the successor to Friedrich von Görne . The income from the domains, which was extraordinarily increased due to his excellent administration, had given him a special reputation with the king, but also aroused greater hatred and mistrust, a mistrust that Crown Prince Friedrich shared. After Friedrich became king, the behavior of Boden was investigated; however, no misconduct could be found. Even though he was sharply reprimanded by the king in 1759, it was said: "The king does everything himself, only listens to the soil, who preaches frugality and thus finds it very popular, even greater than under the previous government."

A village near Kolberg, which was established as part of the Frederician colonization in 1753, was named Bodenhagen in honor of August Friedrich von Boden .


Boden was married to Lea Catharina Reichenbach. She was the daughter of the government councilor and Syndic Johann Friedrich Reichenbach. The couple had the following children:

  • Friedrich August (1708–1780), Chamber Director and Minister
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⚭ Margarete Christiane Gossler
