August Lentz (philologist)

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August Lentz (full name August Ferdinand Lentz ; born on May 21, 1820 in Preußisch Stargard ; died on February 11, 1868 in Graudenz ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.

August Lentz studied philology at the Albertus University in Königsberg after attending the municipal high school in Danzig . His academic teachers included Christian August Lobeck and Karl Lehrs , with whom Lentz remained connected throughout his life. In 1843 he received his doctorate , on May 25, 1844 he passed his examen pro facultate docendi , the forerunner of the state examination , with the unconditional teaching ability in philology. In his testimony, Lobeck attested that he had “a more than usual certainty in the understanding of the old writers”. Lentz completed his probationary year at the grammar school in Elbing , which had an excellent library. He then worked as an assistant teacher at the " Education Institute " in Jenkau for nine months . Employment as a private teacher followed before he became a teacher at the high school in Graudenz in 1847 . Here he taught until his death and worked successfully towards the conversion of the school into a grammar school.

Inspired by studying Alexandrian philology under Karl Lehrs and building on his preparatory work, Lentz began work on his most important work in Graudenz: the first critical complete edition of the writings of Ailios Herodianos . After 14 years of intensive work accompanied and supported by teaching, the first volume of the monumental work was published in 1867 under the title Herodiani technici reliquiae. Vol. I. Praefationem et Herodiani prosodiam catholicam continens appear. The second volume was in print when Lentz fell ill with typhus and died on February 11, 1868. Eugen Plew (1849–1879), together with Karl Lehrs, brought the printing to a close. The first section of the second volume, Reliqua scripta prosodiaca, pathologiam, orthographica continens , appeared in 1868, the second section Scripta de nominibus verbis pronominibus et adverbiis et librum monadicorum continens together with the indexes drawn up by Arthur Ludwich in 1870. The estate of August Lentz Contained extensive material for a critical edition of the works of Herodian's father, Apollonios Dyskolos , which Lentz probably wanted to tackle after completing his work on Herodian.

The critical edition of Herodian's works by Lentz is the most important edition to this day. Herodian is quoted on the basis of this edition according to volume number, page number and line.

Publications (selection)

  • Herodiani technici reliquiae.
  • Volume 1: Praefationem et Herodiani prosodiam catholicam continens. Teubner, Leipzig 1867.
  • Volume 2.1: Reliqua scripta prosodiaca, pathologiam, orthographica continens. Teubner, Leipzig 1868.
  • Volume 2.2: Scripta de nominibus verbis pronominibus et adverbiis et librum monadicorum continens. Teubner, Leipzig 1870.



  1. Gustav Röthe: Dr. August Lentz, Nekrolog. In: Old Prussian monthly. 5th year, 1868, p. 157.