August Ludwig Fricke

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August Gottfried Ludwig Fricke (born March 24, 1829 in Braunschweig , † June 27, 1894 in Berlin ) was a German opera singer (bass) and royal Prussian chamber singer and landscape painter.


Fricke attended the Collegium Carolinum in Braunschweig for a few years and fought as a volunteer in the campaign in Schleswig-Holstein in 1848 . He received his vocal training from the baritone Hermann Meinhardt in Braunschweig. In 1851 he made his debut as a bass player in the roles of “ Sarastro ” and “ Marcel ” at the Braunschweiger Hoftheater and in the same year moved to the Stadttheater in Bremen. In 1853/1854 he had an engagement in Königsberg and in 1855/1856 at the City Theater in Stettin . In Stettin he got to know the composer Carl Loewe and became an important interpreter of his works. Carl Loewe dedicated his wreath of songs to Fricke for a bass part (Op. 145).

In 1856 Fricke was invited to the Berlin Court Opera, where he appeared as " Landgraf ", "Sarastro" and "Marcel". He then got a permanent job and remained a member of the Berlin Court Opera for 30 years. There, in addition to the roles already mentioned, he sang " Osmin ", " Fallstaff " and " König Heinrich ". In 1857 he was involved in the world premiere of Wilhelm Taubert's opera Macbeth . He also gave guest appearances on German and foreign stages, and was particularly successful in London . In mid-June 1864 he visited Karl Marx in London. In May 1886 he retired, meanwhile appointed royal Prussian chamber singer.

In addition to his singing career, Fricke also worked as a painter. In Braunschweig he was a student of Heinrich Brandes and in Berlin of Hermann Eschke , with whom he learned landscape painting. From 1870 he exhibited frequently in Berlin, including at the Great Berlin Exhibitions in 1893 and 1894. He mainly painted landscapes, especially seascapes, including motifs from Sylt, Rügen and Mecklenburg. In 1878 he became a member of the Berlin Artists' Association . Fricke had probably taken a trip to New York because one of his paintings, which was shown at the Berlin art exhibition in 1887, shows the New York harbor. Several motifs were created on Rügen, where he stayed from 1892 to 1893.


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Individual evidence

  1. Fricke, August Ludwig. In: Karl-Josef Kutsch , Leo Riemens : Large singer lexicon . Volume 2, Saur, Bern and Munich 1997.
  2. “These days, Fricke, opera singer, will come to you. He had lost your address last year, which annoyed him very much. If possible, give him some copies of Vogt . ”In: Georg Eckert (Ed.): Wilhelm Liebknecht to Karl Marx June 12, 1864. In: Wilhelm Liebknecht. Correspondence with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Mouton, Den Haag 1963, p. 38 (= sources and studies on the history of the German and Austrian labor movement 5).
  3. ^ Christiane Kruse: Fricke, August (1829) . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 45, Saur, Munich a. a. 2005, ISBN 3-598-22785-X , p. 50.
  4. Fricke, August. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 1/1, sheets 1–30: Aagaard – Heideck. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1891, p. 325 ( ).