August Max Einsele

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August Max Einsele (born June 9, 1803 in Munich , † February 10, 1870 in Murnau ) was a Bavarian doctor and botanist.


Einsele was the son of a doctor. He had lost his mother and brother early on. Already during his school days in various places in Upper Bavaria, his talent for language and drawing became clear. Einsele recorded his observations in numerous excursion diaries. Drawings by him are preserved today in the city archive in Landshut . For his professional training he thought of pharmacy, but decided, following the example of his father, to study medicine. After graduating from high school in 1821 at the (today's) Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich, he went to the University of Landshut and heard lectures from Prof. Joseph August Schultes . In 1825 Einsele became a doctor of medicine and surgery.

Schultes also promoted Einseles inclinations for botany; he was repeatedly represented by him at botanical demonstrations. Einsele gained medical practice experience in Landshut and Munich, after which he signed up for civil service and became a court doctor in 1831. He practiced in Starnberg and Garmisch. He turned down the possibility of traveling to Java as a botanist to draw plants there. He then became a surgery professor at the Baderschule in Landshut. He also taught at the agricultural and trade school. In 1842 Einsele took over the management of the Landshut hospital. But when the bathing school was closed, he was transferred to the botanical state collection in Munich.

In Munich he was able to attend lectures by Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini and Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius . But the activity of identifying the Brazilian herbaceous plants did not satisfy him, even the student excursions in the field did not please him. So he turned back to medicine.

In 1843 he became a state doctor in Füssen and then moved to Berchtesgaden as a regional court doctor , where he lived until 1851. Later he came to Tegernsee and stayed there until his retirement in 1860. After that he lived first in Tölz and later in Murnau until his death.

The city of Murnau named the Dr.-August-Einsele-Ring in his honor, and his native Munich named the Einseleweg.


Einsele published very little. But he had collected numerous plants from the Landshut area and from the Alps. Parts of it are in the Botanical State Collections in Munich. He also left a manuscript of a Landshut flora. But he is best known for the small-flowered columbine ( Aquilegia einseleana ), which he found in Wimbachgriess near Berchtesgaden and recognized as something special. She bears his name.


  • W. Zahlheimer: Forays through the Landshut botany . In: Nature Conservation in Lower Bavaria. Issue 6th Symposium on Nature Conservation and Botany in Lower Bavaria March 27, 2009, pp. 7–34 ( online).
  • Zeiß: In memory of Dr. Aug. Max Einsele, († February 10, 1870), k. Forensic doctor and professor, dedicated to his friends out of gratitude and admiration by the Botanical Association in Landshut. Reprinted separately from the third reports. Biography . - Ber. Offered. Ver. Landshut 3: 65-176, 1871.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Leitschuh: The matriculations of the upper classes of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich , 4 vol., Munich 1970–1976; Vol. 3, p. 254.