August Nebe-Pflugstädt

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August Heinrich Nebe-Pflugstädt (born July 23, 1828 in Kleve , † June 9, 1902 in Koblenz ) was a German lawyer and politician .


Born as the son of a businessman, Nebe-Pflugstädt studied law in Bonn . During his studies he became a member of the Alemannia Bonn fraternity in 1849 . After his studies he became an auscultant in the justice service of the Rhine Province in 1851 . In 1860 he was employed as a public prosecutor's assistant in Altenkirchen, and in 1861 he became state procurator in Düsseldorf . In 1869 he became a senior judge in Celle and deputy to the Crown Attorney . In 1870 he was promoted to Crown Attorney in Hanover , in 1871 to the Privy Councilor of Justice and Lecturing Council in the Prussian Ministry of Justice . In 1874 he became a member of the Judicial Examination Commission and the Secret Higher Justice Council , in 1879 he finally became the Real Secret Higher Justice Council and director in the Prussian Ministry of Justice. In 1883 he became Undersecretary of State and in 1887 Real Privy Councilor with the title of Excellence . From 1884 he was also Privy Councilor . He was also a member of the State Council .



  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 4: M-Q. Winter, Heidelberg 2000, ISBN 3-8253-1118-X , p. 185.