August Pabst (school councilor)

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August Pabst (also: August Heinrich Theodor Pabst ; born May 26, 1823 in Wildemann ; † June 22, 1907 in Hanover ) was a Prussian secret councilor and school council in Hanover.



August Pabst was born at the time of the Kingdom of Hanover as the son of the cantor Andreas Pabst and Augustine Neubauer, who worked in the Upper Harz mountain town of Wildemann . He was the youngest brother of Carl Pabst .

August Pabst married Anna Louise on May 31, 1864 (born January 10, 1837 in Hundisburg; † August 28, 1916 in Hanover), a daughter of the animal breeder Hermann von Nathusius . The couple fathered seven children.


On November 1, 1845, Pabst enrolled at the University of Göttingen for the subjects of philology and theology .

Already before 1852 Pabst was working as a high school inspector and collaborator at the Gymnasium Göttingen , and was later appointed educator of the Hanoverian Crown Prince . While Eduard Wenzel only worked as a music teacher for the two royal children, Pabst was awarded the title of senior teacher and an annual salary of 1000 Reichstalers for his service .

From 1854 Pabst also worked at the Hanover consistory in the department for elementary school matters , from 1856 as court master of his former crown prince and now sovereign.

After the annexation of Hanover by Prussia, Pabst worked as a high school inspector from 1867.

The Hanover address book for 1868 recorded August Pabst's residence at Escherstrasse 11I , while his namesake, Albert Friedrich Julius Pabst , who was entrusted with similar tasks, lived at Leinstrasse 28I .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Kerstin Neumann:  Nathusius, Hermann von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 18, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-428-00199-0 , p. 749 f. ( Digitized version ).
  2. a b Compare entries from the address book of the Royal Residence City of Hanover 1868 of the Association for Computer Genealogy
  3. a b c d e Archive for Family Research and All Related Areas , Volume 47, Issue 81 Volume 48, Issue 88; Limburg: A. Starke, 1981, p. 53; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. a b c d e Cornelia Roolfs. The hannoversche Hof from 1814 to 1866. Hofstaat und Hofgesellschaft (= sources and representations on the history of Lower Saxony , vol. 124), also dissertation 2002 at the University of Hanover, Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung und Verlag, 2005, ISBN 978-3-7752-5924 -8 and ISBN 3-7752-5924-4 , p. 318, v. a. P. 420 et al .; limited preview in Google Book search