Auguste Pidou

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Auguste Pidou (born March 30, 1754 in Grancy , † May 14, 1821 in Lausanne ) was a Swiss politician .


In 1771 Pidou completed his studies in theology in Lausanne and in 1772 in Geneva . He was ordained in 1775 . In 1776 he completed a law degree in Strasbourg , where he taught as tutor to Prince Charles-Alexandre de Gavre . From 1777 to 1778 he was a teacher at the Philanthropinum in Dessau . A year later in Paris , he continued his education in science and language. In 1780 he traveled to England and became tutor to several young noblemen with whom he toured Europe . In 1793 he settled in Lausanne and on January 24, 1798 became a member of the Provisional Assembly of Vaud. He was a public prosecutor at the court of the canton of Léman and was deposed in December 1800 by the Executive Council , the new conservative government of the Helvetic Republic . In 1801 he was a member of the Swiss parliament , in 1802 he became a member of the Assembly of Notables and the Senate, and from 1802 to 1803 he was a deputy to the Consulta . From March to April 1803 he was a member of the Executive Commission, 1803 to 1814 of the Vaud Minor Council and from 1814 to 1821 of the Council of State , in which he was several times Mayor .

At the end of the mediation , he advised the Austrian general Ferdinand von Bubna in Lausanne against pursuing the plan to return Vaud under the rule of Bern. In 1811, 1812 and 1817 he was envoy to the Federal Diet. In 1814 he was a member of the revision commission of the Vaudois constitution and from 1806 to 1814 president of the school council.

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