Bärbel Kösters Lucchitta

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Bärbel Kösters Lucchitta (born October 2, 1938 in Münster ) is a German astrogeologist . She has been with the United States Geological Survey since 1967 .


Bärbel Kösters spent the first years of her life in Weimar , where she saw the end of the Second World War . She attended elementary school there for about a week until it was bombed out. The family fled to the city of Münster, which was also destroyed by bombs. Here she attended a Catholic girls' school and graduated from high school in 1958. Her interest in geological processes was awakened by visits to the Jura mountain ranges of the Swabian Alb . After studying for a year and a half at German universities, she received a scholarship and went to Kent State University in Ohio and Pennsylvania State University , where she studied geology.

In 1964 she married the geologist Ivo Lucchitta and in 1966 their daughter Maya was born. In her dissertation , which she wrote in the same year, she described peculiar conical rocks that were covered with fan-shaped lines. It was later discovered that these were cones of rays that came from the Beaverhead impact structure. After her husband worked for the Apollo program at the United States Geological Survey in Flagstaff Arizona , she got a job there in 1967. She began her career mapping the Moon , Mars, and the moons of Jupiter . She was the first to recognize that the dark-rimmed craters on the moon were more caused by impacts than by volcanoes . Apollo astronauts received geological training from her and she accompanied the lunar program, especially Apollo 17 . Then she works on the elucidation of details on the surface of Mars. She examined the ice flows in Antarctica and hypothesized that outflow channels on Mars were formed by ice. With Eugene Shoemaker and others, she worked on the first geological map of Jupiter's moon Ganymede .


Web links

Websites about Bärbel Kösters Lucchitta at the USGS (English)

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation of the GK Gilbert Award
  2. Map: Lucchitta Glacier
  3. http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/About/People/BaerbelLucchitta/vitae.html#HonorsAndAwards
  4. Asteroid data (4569) Baerbel in the database of the "Asteroids - Dynamic Site" (AstDyS-2, English).
  5. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2005/pdf/1068.pdf
  6. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2005/pdf/1500.pdf