Bülow victories

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Bülow victories
Northwestuckermark municipality
Coordinates: 53 ° 24 ′ 5 "  N , 13 ° 37 ′ 23"  E
Residents : 2
Postal code : 17291
Bülowssiege (Brandenburg)
Bülow victories

Location of Bülowssiege in Brandenburg

Bülowssiege is part of the municipality of Nordwestuckermark in the Uckermark district in Brandenburg .

History of origin and naming

The Vorwerk Bülowssiege is located in the hilly terminal moraine landscape of the northwestern Uckermark not far from the Dammsee and the agricultural town of Fürstenwerder .

After the Thirty Years' War, then Brandenburg Baron Otto von Schwerin acquired the rights of landlord in Fürstenwerder in 1670. These manorial rights, especially lease payments, were not replaced by the Brandenburg Rentenbank until 1854.

In the course of the separation, his great-great-grandson, Count Johann Christoph Hermann von Schwerin (1776–1858), bought agricultural land in Fürstenwerder from 1826 onwards. For better management, these were combined into a Vorwerk of his manor Wolfshagen to the north.

A little later, Imperial Count Hermann von Schwerin had a small estate built on the previously uninhabited farmland for the Vorwerk, which was initially named "Peace". This honored the peace that had been so hard to achieve through the wars of freedom and the fall of Napoleon. In 1834, however, he renamed the Vorwerk in honor of the Prussian general of the Freedom Wars Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bülow, Count von Dennewitz (1755-1816) in "Bülowssiege".

Art historical importance

View of the manor in Bülowssiege

The system, built in 1829/30, is designed to be axially symmetrical over a U-shaped floor plan. The manor house located on a slight hill forms the south-western end. To the northeast, the axis is flanked by two elongated stable and barn buildings, the line of which is extended by two smaller buildings (former sheep pens) and two farm workers' houses. In the course of the land reform in 1949, two new farmhouses were built north of the Vorwerk.

The Vorwerk Bülowssiege is a listed complex of special cultural and historical character and importance from the time of the wars of freedom (1813/15). The Vorwerk Bülowssiege as well as the church, the royal column and other monuments and buildings in Wolfshagen were built by Count Hermann von Schwerin. Wolfshagen, Bülowssiege and seven other outbuildings built by Hermann von Schwerin in the immediate vicinity of Wolfshagen as well as the Kiecker forester's house were part of an overall system that, in addition to its economic importance, aimed to beautify the fields in the Lennéian sense. With the exception of the church in Wolfshagen , these buildings bear the same remarkable architectural signature of the typical combination of field stones with Gothic brick pilaster strips. Only Bülowssiege remained as a complete system from the Vorwerke.

The Vorwerk Bülowssiege is part of the overall ensemble of Wolfshagen, which has been classified by the Federal Ministry of the Interior as a cultural monument “of particular national cultural importance”. In the traditional stock of rural buildings from the first half of the 19th century, the Vorwerk Bülowssiege has a special place. The facility is particularly impressive because of its closeness that can still be experienced and its high-quality architectural design. In the economical, purpose-oriented and material-oriented construction method and its harmonious embedding in the surrounding landscape, a connection to the essential design principles of the Prussian agricultural art of the romantic architectural trend becomes clear. In this context, the agricultural school of the Berlin senior building councilor David Gilly (1748–1808) should be mentioned. Striking and not often found in rural architecture of this time is the confident handling of the Gothic ornamental forms.

As a testimony to the history of the Wolfshagener Rittergut, but also as a building ensemble that shapes the landscape, the Bülowssiege Vorwerk is of important regional importance. Due to its unusual architecture and the associated art-historical importance, the town of Bülowssiege also represents a monument area, the preservation of which is of national interest.

Bülow victories in the 20th century

Since 1997 the plant has been owned by the Counts of Schwerin again through repurchase . Ulrich-Wilhelm Graf von Schwerin von Schwanenfeld , the father of the current owner, was expropriated and executed by the National Socialists in 1944 as a result of his participation in the German resistance. The SED maintained the expropriation of its previous National Socialist government and distributed buildings and agricultural land in the course of the land reform in 1945/46. Due to the Nazi expropriation, the family was partially restored in 1992.

The development of modern agricultural technology today rules out any further use of the barn buildings for agricultural purposes. The classification of the entire estate as a monument worthy of protection makes its preservation imperative. Since December 1997 barns and manor house u. a. Renovated with the support of public funds, the German Foundation for Monument Protection and the Rudolf August Oetker Foundation. The renovation of the manor house was completed in 2000. The large barn is approved for public use.

Detlef Graf von Schwerin received the Brandenburg Monument Preservation Prize 2013 for the restoration of Bülowssiege.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oliver Schwers: “Monument Prize for a Lifetime Achievement” , Märkische Online Zeitung, September 5, 2013