BKK family

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BKK family
social insurance Statutory health insurance
Cash register type Company health insurance fund (open)
legal form Public corporation
founding 1892
resolution December 31, 2015
Jurisdiction Germany
Administrative headquarters Äppelallee 27
65203 Wiesbaden
Board Heinz-Werner Stumpf, Hagen Stark (Deputy)
Board of Directors Nils Hindersmann (alternating chairman)
Bernd Halter (alternating chairman)
Supervisory authority Federal Insurance Office
Insured 10,741
Website www.bkk-family.de
Former logo

The BKK family was a German statutory health insurance from the group of company health insurance funds . It was based in Wiesbaden .


The BKK went back to the company health insurance fund of Didier Schamotte Fabrik Aktien Gesellschaft in Stettin, which was founded before 1892 . It was later expanded to include the Friedhelm Loh Group . In 1996, the BKK Didier was renamed the company health insurance fund for industry, trade and insurance (BKK IHV).

As of June 1, 2014, the BKK IHV changed its name to BKK family. Heinz-Werner Stumpf was the board member . In 2012, board member Stumpf ran as mayor candidate for the citizens' movement pro Mainz , a group of voters who, according to the social scientist Alexander Häusler , indicated that they were "another node in the network" of the right-wing populist pro-movement .

The fund merged with the BKK ProVita on January 1, 2016 .

Contribution rates

Since January 1, 2009 the contribution rates have been uniformly stipulated by the legislature. From January 1, 2015, the BKK levied an income-related additional contribution of 1.2 percent of the contributory income.

Criticism of the cooperation with Pro Life

From 2009 there was close cooperation between the BKK IHV and the life protection association “ ProLife Germany”. It was jointly decided to set up a “very special health insurance” in order to “counteract the demographic trend”: All ProLife members undertook to refrain from abortions . As members of the BKK IHV, they received a delivery and breastfeeding bonus from the health insurance company for the birth of a child . In February 2012, Der Spiegel and the Süddeutsche Zeitung also reported critically on the cooperation between the BKK IHV and ProLife , which is considered the most influential association of anti-abortionists in Europe and is a successor organization to the association for the promotion of psychological knowledge of human nature.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mainz mayor election. Rights and ÖDP included ( memento from September 12, 2014 in the web archive archive.today ) Frankfurter Rundschau, November 26, 2011
  2. “Mainz Republicans in Sheep's Clothing ” in Die Zeit -online of July 12, 2010, online , accessed on July 21, 2014
  3. Reiner Burger: The dubious methods of the life protectors , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 24, 2013
  4. ^ A b Holy Alliance spiegel.de of February 13, 2012
  5. 300 euro bonus for a baby süddeutsche.de from February 14, 2012