BLU Federal Association of Contractors

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Logo BLU Bundesverband Lohnunternehmen e. V.
Regional associations and regional groups of the BLU

The BLU Bundesverband Lohnunternehmen e. V. is the common interest group for contractors in Germany. Around 2,000 contractors with their 30,000 employees from 12 regional associations and groups are organized in the BLU. In addition to representing political interests and establishing the profession, the main focus of the association's work is on services for members such as advice (legal, business and technical), professional information and further training. The BLU office is based in Suthfeld-Riehe near Hanover .

Tasks of the association

  • professional, technical and economic support
  • Information for the member companies
  • Promotion of the exchange of experiences among each other
  • Promotion of work and education
  • Cooperation with authorities, agencies, scientific institutions, ministries and associations at federal and state level
  • Advising members on laws, ordinances, decrees and regulations
  • Representation of the interests of the members in questions of labor and collective bargaining law

Regional groups and regional associations

The Federal Association of Contractors is the umbrella organization of a total of 12 regional associations and regional groups of contractors in Germany. There are only a few contractors in the city-states of Berlin , Bremen and Hamburg . The companies located there are looked after by the neighboring regional associations. Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland together form a state group. The contractors in the federal states of Bavaria , Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt are also organized in regional groups in the BLU. The federal states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia have independent state associations, but are looked after by the BLU office in Suthfeld-Riehe . In Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein the contractors are looked after by state associations run full-time. In Baden-Württemberg , the contractors are affiliated as a specialist group to the Association of the Agricultural Industry (VdAW) in Stuttgart . The federal states of Saxony , Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are involved in specialist groups in agricultural organizations.

The boy BLU

The Young BLU is a specialist group with a cooperative individual membership in the BLU. He addresses company successors, employees and people from the immediate environment of the member companies between 16 and 35 years of age. The Junge BLU is thus the independent organization for all junior staff and aims to promote young people in particular.

Job description "contractor"

The job description of the contractor has been called Agricultural Service Specialist since 2005 . The profession is on an equal footing with 13 other green professions and has been experiencing a steady upward trend since the start. In a cooperation, BLU, the chambers of agriculture and the responsible bodies of the federal states work together with the training companies and vocational schools and ensure the necessary high quality of training.

Agrarservicemeister is a state-recognized advanced training qualification aimed primarily at managers in agricultural contracting companies. Building on the training to become an agricultural service specialist, farm managers and employees can train to become agricultural service masters in two winter semesters. The aim of the master craftsman training is that the master craftsman candidates deal with the business management figures of the company and can evaluate them accordingly. The focus is on the analysis and corresponding assessment of the business relationships of a company.

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