Babylon 5 / Season 4

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Season 4 of Babylon 5
Babylon 5 1994 logo.svg
Episodes 22nd
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast November 4, 1996 - October 27, 1997
first broadcast
May 23, 1998 - October 24, 1998 on ProSieben
◀   Season 3 Season 5   ▶
Episode list

The fourth season of the American television series Babylon 5 comprises 22 episodes. The title of the season is in the original "No Surrender, No Retreat" and in the German version "The Liberation of Proxima 3" .


( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Production
67 1 In the hour of the wolf The Hour of the Wolf Nov 4, 1996 May 23, 1998 David J. Eagle J. Michael Straczynski 401
Ivanova tries to mobilize the allied peoples to attack Z'ha'dum. However, they are not ready to sacrifice themselves in search of Sheridan and assume that he will be dead. The Vorlons don't want to do anything either. So Ivanova, Delenn, Lennier and Lyta Alexander set off on their own with a White Star ship to Z'ha'dum. There Alexander is supposed to block the shadows while attempts are made to contact Sheridan. The company is unsuccessful: Sheridan doesn't answer and the crew barely escapes the shadows.

At Centauri Prime, Londo meets Imperator Cartagia for the first time. The latter informs Londo that someone wants to speak to him: It's murder. Badly injured by the explosion on Z'ha'dum, he tells Londo that the Shadows will base a base on Centauri Prime with Cartagia's permission. Shortly afterwards, Londo sees hundreds of shadow ships in the sky, as he knows it from a dream (see S3E01). He asks the Emperor why he allows this. Cartagia explains that the Shadows promised him that they would make him a deity in return. Londo fears that the Centauri will be the first to be destroyed in the war against the shadows, which Cartagia indifferently accepts as a sacrifice for its goal. Londo is horrified and realizes that the Emperor is insane. He contacts Vir with a request to come to Centauri Prime. With his help he wants to develop a plan to kill the ruler.

With Garibaldi still missing, G'Kar decides to go in search of him.

On Z'ha'dum, Sheridan sits in a cave in front of a small fire. A mysterious alien appears and sits next to him.

68 2 The last of the Kha'ri Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? Nov 11, 1996 May 30, 1998 Kevin James Dobson J. Michael Straczynski 402
Sheridan is held by a huge being of light; suddenly he seems to wake up from a dream. The alien is still with him in the cave and introduces himself as Lorien. He engages Sheridan in a philosophical conversation, but Sheridan is not interested and wants to know what's going on. Lorien explains that Sheridan is in a state between life and death and that the following time will tell what happens next. He claims not only to belong to the oldest races in the universe, but to be "the very first". He also reveals to Sheridan that there is a Vorlon in his body - it is part of Kosh who has spoken to Sheridan over and over again. Lorien asks Sheridan to surrender to death, otherwise he should give a reason that is worth living for. Sheridan calls Delenn.

G'Kar is on the planet Zathran 7 looking for clues about the whereabouts of Garibaldi. Since he is the last remaining member of the Kha'Ri, the supreme council of the Narn, there is a bounty on him. Finally he is tracked down by soldiers of the Centauri and kidnapped. On Centauri Prime, Emperor Cartagia proudly presents the captured and humiliated G'Kar. Londo visits him in his cell and asserts that he does not want G'Kar to suffer, but that he cannot prevent it. However, he wants to involve G'Kar in his plot against Cartagia. G'Kar agrees, but demands that Londo return the Narn to freedom once Cartagia is eliminated. Londo agrees.

Meanwhile, Garibaldi is in a locked room while a voice over loudspeakers keeps asking him what he remembers since he left Babylon 5. Garibaldi protests that he has no memories and gets angry. Gas is then introduced into the room. When Garibaldi is passed out, a member of the Psi Corps enters the room.

69 3 Return from the shadow planet The summoning Nov 18, 1996 June 6, 1998 John McPherson J. Michael Straczynski 403
Together with Cole, Ivanova searches for other ancient races as allies in the fight against the shadows. Instead, however, they encounter a huge Vorlon fleet with a gigantic main ship hiding in hyperspace. Lyta Alexander has also noticed that the Vorlons have been behaving strangely lately. As his assistant, she is able to read Ambassador Ulkesh's mind and learn more.

Zack Allan pursues a lead that G'Kar followed shortly before his capture in the search for Garibaldi. Eventually he encounters a transport ship that launches an escape pod and then destroys itself. In the escape pod is Garibaldi, who is well, but behaves noticeably different than before. He can't remember anything since he disappeared.

G'Kar is still tortured on Centauri Prime and Londo and Vir feel increasingly vindicated in carrying out their plan to assassinate Cartagia.

The alliance against the shadows threatens to break up completely. Since the Shadows have not attacked Z'ha'dum since the events, most do not want to provoke any further attacks. Delenn, on the other hand, says they will come anyway and insists that Z'ha'dum must be attacked. In the midst of this bitter argument, Sheridan and Lorien turn up completely by surprise. Sheridan says he fought the Shadows and that they are defeatable; but for this everyone would have to work together. He can change the mind of the ambassadors and everyone cheers for him. Sheridan and Lorien later explain the objectives of the Vorlons and the Shadows to the station's command staff (see S3E22). Lyta announces that the Vorlons have decided to destroy the Shadows and their allies, with no consideration for other races. Cole and Ivanova report that they tracked the Vorlon fleet and watched the huge ship destroy an entire planet because of a shadow base on it.

70 4th The monster on the throne Falling Toward Apotheosis Nov 25, 1996 June 13, 1998 David J. Eagle J. Michael Straczynski 404
The Vorlons continue their attacks on planets under the influence of the Shadows, causing Babylon 5 to experience a massive influx of refugees. It is foreseeable that the Vorlon fleet will soon take on Centauri Prime, as the Shadows have recently had a base there (see S4E01). Cartagia lets Londo know that he doesn't want to do anything about it and is even looking forward to the destruction of the planet. He sees in it a gigantic sacrificial fire for his elevation to divinity. Londo later objects that there would then be no one left who could worship Cartagia as a god. He persuades the Emperor to personally direct G'Kar's trial and execution on the Narn's home planet. There the Narn could admire his size and everyone would remember him. Unsuspecting that Londo is pushing his plot to eliminate Cartagia, the latter agrees.

Sheridan now has to take action not only against the Shadows, but also against the Vorlons. To do this, however, their ambassador Ulkesh must first disappear from the station. Together with Alexander they lure Ulkesh into an ambush. However, the security team shooting at the Vorlon is completely powerless. Finally Lorien gives a sign, whereupon the remaining part of Kosh leaves Sheridan's body and attacks Ulkesh, strengthened by Lorien. The two Vorlons annihilate each other.

Shortly afterwards Lorien Delenn explains what he did with Sheridan on Z'ha'dum: Sheridan was practically dead. He only lives because Lorien gave him part of his life energy, which will only last for about 20 years. Delenn is devastated, but Sheridan is looking forward to the remaining time together and gives her an engagement ring.

71 5 Tyrannicide The Long Night Jan. 27, 1997 June 20, 1998 John Lafia J. Michael Straczynski 405
Sheridan now has a powerful fleet of warships from various races. As the Vorlon fleet is moving towards Coriana 6, a world with several billion living beings, and the shadows are now also beginning to destroy entire planets, Sheridan sees the time for the final confrontation has come. With a forged radio message, he also wants to lure the shadows to Coriana 6 so that they meet the Vorlons there. The plan works and Sheridan moves his fleet into the system as well.

Emperor Cartagia has moved into a replica throne room on Narn; the execution of G'Kar is imminent. Londo, Vir, and several other conspirators make final preparations for the assassination attempt. Cartagia is said to die by lethal injection, which covers all traces and simulates a natural death. The next day, G'Kar is brought before the Emperor, who pronounces the death sentence on him. But G'Kar's chains have been loosened and he can break free. While everyone tries to tame the angry G'Kar, Londo pretends to bring Cartagia to a safe place in an adjoining room. There Vir rams the syringe into his heart. In the absence of a direct heir to the throne, Londo is appointed Prime Minister of the Centauri until a new emperor is appointed. He immediately keeps his promise (see S4E02) to free Narn and lets all occupation troops withdraw. The Narn celebrate and want to appoint G'Kar as their leader and take revenge on the Centauri. G'Kar rejects this in horror because he does not want to be a dictator and does not want to continue the cycle of hatred forever (cf. S3E06).

72 6th The third age Into the fire Feb 3, 1997 June 27, 1998 Kevin James Dobson J. Michael Straczynski 406
After the elimination of Cartagia, Londo is busy removing his loyal subordinates from the palace. Through an intelligence report he learns that Morden was responsible for the death of his beloved (see S3E15) and not, as he assumed, Lord Refa. With the Vorlon fleet still nearing Centauri Prime, he decides to clear the planet from the shadows. He has Morden's shadow companions killed and the island on which their base is located blow up. Just before Londo has Murden executed, the latter swears revenge through allies of the Shadows. Londo informs the Vorlons, but they continue their course - after all, he too was long under the influence of the Shadows. When he tells Vir to kill him immediately, the fleet suddenly turns - the Vorlons need reinforcements at Coriana 6.

There it comes to a clash of all powers and a great battle. With the help of Lorien, Ivanova was able to win other members of ancient peoples, the so-called very first, as allies. During the fight, both the Shadows and the Vorlons establish telepathic contact with Sheridan and Delenn and clarify their goals: While the Shadows seek to advance evolution through conflict, the Vorlons demand absolute obedience from the other races in the war against the Shadows. But Delenn and Sheridan reply that the younger races are no longer dependent on the very first and do not want to choose either side. The shadows want to destroy the White Star, but the other peoples are listening, show solidarity and protect Sheridan and Delenn with their lives. Lorien, too, now turns to the Vorlons and Shadows and says that their time is over and that the ancient races must leave the galaxy. Then the very first, including the Shadows and Vorlons, retreat and disappear. Lorien explains that the young races are now ruling the galaxy and are becoming teachers for the generations to come. Then he also disappears.

73 7th Quarantined Epiphanies Feb 10, 1997 4th July 1998 John C. Flinn III J. Michael Straczynski 407
After the Earth Government did not participate in the war that had just ended due to its cooperation with the shadows (cf. S3E1), President Clark now turns back to Babylon 5. Together with the Psi-Corps, he plans to stir public opinion against the station. Alfred Bester is also involved in the actions, but he has his own goals. On Babylon 5, he meets with the command staff. Lyta Alexander is present at the meeting, who easily fends off Besters attempts to read the minds of the crew by manipulating the Vorlons. He tells of Clark's plan: A squadron of the Psi-Corps is to destroy some ships on earth, with the suspicion being directed to Babylon 5. In return for this information, he wants to be brought to Z'ha'dum in order to find a technology there that can help his beloved who is still in cold sleep and has shadow implants inside (cf. S3E14). Sheridan agrees. While Ivanova intercepts the Psi-Corps fighter pilots, Bester, Sheridan and Alexander fly to Z'ha'dum. There they witness how a number of ships - obviously allies of the shadows - are just fleeing from the planet, whereupon the whole planet explodes. Back on Babylon 5, Sheridan confronts Alexander with the suspicion that Z'ha'dum could have telepathically initiated the self-destruction of Z'ha'dum in order to thwart Bester's plans and make the shadow technology not accessible to anyone. She does not deny this. President Clark’s attempted ambush has got around the earth, producing the opposite of its intended effect. But Clark has since banned all freight and passenger traffic between Earth and Babylon 5.

Garibaldi receives a strange message consisting of brightly colored patterns that he immediately deletes. Shortly thereafter, he resigned from his position as head of security, completely surprising. He wants to start his own business by helping others find their missing loved ones.

Londo resumes his post as ambassador to Babylon 5. Minister Virini is installed as regent on Centauri Prime. He wears an invisible guard on his shoulder who controls him (see S3E17).

74 8th Propaganda of lies The Illusion of Truth Feb. 17, 1997 July 11, 1998 Stephen Furst J. Michael Straczynski 408
Since the takeover of ISN by government troops (see S3E10), the news channel has only been a mouthpiece for Clark's propaganda. The journalist Dan Randall, who works there, manages to persuade Sheridan to shoot a report about the station. He is shown around different areas of the station by Lennier and interviews Sheridan and Delenn as well as Garibaldi. When the report airs, the interviews have been completely re-edited. The pictures shown of the station are commented with half-truths and lies, which are supposed to put Babylon 5 in the worst possible light. Sheridan is presented to the public as someone who has been traumatized by the war with the Minbari and who has developed an inferiority complex towards his former enemies. He let himself be manipulated by the aliens and as a result of their influence turned against the earth. He must be pitied and needs help. Only one interview remains unadulterated: Garibaldi explains that since his return from Z'ha'dum, Sheridan considers himself a kind of messiah and has gone mad.
75 9 The dream oracle Atonement Feb. 24, 1997 July 18, 1998 Tony Dow J. Michael Straczynski 409
Delenn and Lennier travel to Minbar. Delenn's clan leader Callenn is angry about her relationship with Sheridan, as partnerships with other races are forbidden. Before a judgment is made, Delenn is supposed to face the trauma oracle, which is supposed to reveal her true motives. It is a ceremonial room where Delenn relives parts of her past. She sees herself as a young student assigned to her master Dukhat. Soon afterwards there is the first meeting with the humans, at which Delenn is present. The Minbari cruiser approaches people with activated weapons - a sign of respect, but misinterpreted by people as warlike intent (see S3E13). Dukhat is killed when the earth cruiser is shot at. Delenn swears vengeance and in her anger orders the people to be pursued and exterminated. Only through the trauma oracle does she notice that Dukhat whispered something to her shortly before his death: "... You are a child of the great Valen." She realizes that she is a descendant of Sinclair, who traveled into the past (cf. S3E17 ), and argues that because of the myriad descendants of Sinclair among the Minbari, there is no purity anyway. Her relationship with Sheridan is then accepted, but the public is not supposed to learn the truth.

Because of the quarantine imposed on the station and President Clark's propaganda, Sheridan is forced to take action against him. He sends Franklin and Cole on a secret mission to Mars to contact the resistance.

76 10 Captain Jack Racing Mars Apr 21, 1997 July 25, 1998 Jesus Trevino J. Michael Straczynski 410
On the way to Mars, Franklin and Cole meet their contact person, a man who calls himself Captain Jack and gives them both stolen ID cards for entry. On arrival at the destination, the leader of the resistance, called "Number One", is extremely skeptical and initially holds Franklin and Cole prisoner while she checks their identities. It is found that the visitors are apparently not who they say they are. Number One wants to know why they are here when Captain Jack suddenly points a gun at them while something moves on his shoulder. With an aimed shot, Cole releases the creature from Captain Jack, who then escapes. It turns out that it was Captain Jack who leaked counterfeit ID cards to Franklin and Cole. Number one realizes that Captain Jack is innocent and has been controlled by the creature. She contacts him, but the creature is already growing back and Captain Jack kills himself in time.

Sheridan confronts Garibaldi with the interview for ISN in which Garibaldi described Sheridan as crazy (see S4E08). Both part in an argument. Garibaldi is approached by a man named Wade. He offers Garibaldi to join him because someone has to do something about Sheridan. Garibaldi refuses and asserts that he will not betray Sheridan. A short time later there is another argument with Sheridan. This time the argument escalates and Garibaldi hits Sheridan. Wade turns back to Garibaldi, who is now convinced that Sheridan's megalomania threatens everything he has achieved. He is ready to hand over Sheridan so that - as Wade assures - he can be helped.

77 11 The voice of resistance Lines of Communication Apr 28, 1997 Aug 1, 1998 John C. Flinn III J. Michael Straczynski 411
Delenn is informed by a Minbari named Forell that transport ships of various races are under attack. The ships were supposed to be under the protection of the Minbari, but the warrior caste refuses to intervene. Together with Lennier and Forell, Delenn sets out to get to the bottom of the matter. On the way she learns from Forell that the rift between the boxes is escalating. The warrior caste on Minbar has begun evicting members of the religious caste from their homeland, resulting in many deaths. Following a distress signal, they encounter a fleet of unknown ships. A mysterious emissary from the Drakh people enters Delenn's ship. It turns out that Troell wants to make a deal with the Drakh. He demands support from them in the fight against the warrior caste; In return, the Drakh want to occupy some worlds on the edge of the Minbari sector, as they have recently lost their homeworld. Delenn realizes that it is about Z'ha'dum (see S4E07). She pretends to want a week to think about it. The Drakh leaves the ship, but shortly before recognizes Delenn and knows about her role in the Shadow War. She does not give the Drakh a chance to take revenge and destroys her fleet. Trout is killed in the process. Delenn now decides to go to Minbar to avert the impending civil war.

Franklin makes Sheridan's offer to the leaders of the Martian Resistance: They should join Babylon 5, accept Sheridan as commander, and work with him against President Clark. If this is successfully completed, Mars should receive its independence in return. Most leaders agree.

In response to Clark's ongoing propaganda war against Babylon 5, Sheridan starts his own news channel. Moderated by Ivanova, "The Voice of Resistance" is supposed to expose Clark's lies and clarify the truth.

78 12 A job for Garibaldi Conflicts of Interest May 5, 1997 Aug 8, 1998 David J. Eagle J. Michael Straczynski 412
Garibaldi is visited again by Wade (see S4E10), who now wants to put Garibaldi's reliability to the test. He is supposed to smuggle the wife of Wade's employer past the security guards onto the ward. It is Garibaldi's ex-lover Lise Hampton, who is now married to William Edgars, a billionaire entrepreneur based on Mars. They meet a contact who gives Lise a securely sealed ampoule. She explains that it is a cure for telepaths against a danger that her husband discovered during his research. Several men are watching the handover. Garibaldi, Wade, and Lise flee while the men go into pursuit, including using firearms. Garibaldi realizes that they are telepaths. They manage to shake off the persecutors who eventually run into a security team around Zack Allan and kill themselves with poison capsules before they are arrested. Lise returns to Mars by the means. Edgars contacts Garibaldi, thanks him and offers him to work for him regularly from now on. Garibaldi agrees. Sheridan angrily confronts Garibaldi about the incident, but ultimately has no action against him.

Meanwhile, “The Voice of Resistance” goes on air for the first time (see S4E11).

Due to the threat from the Drakh and to ensure peace, Sheridan wants to use the White Star ships from now on to protect the friendly peoples. He asks Londo and G'Kar to allow the ships to patrol the Centauri and Narn sector borders.

79 13 War the cast Rumors, Bargains and Lies May 12, 1997 Aug 15, 1998 Mike Vejar J. Michael Straczynski 413
Sheridan has difficulties to unite the various peoples, who have been pursuing their own interests again since the war against the shadows, in an alliance to ensure peace. He uses various tricks to simulate an imminent threat that is intended to intimidate potential allies. For example, the Centauri are said to deny to others that White Star ships are patrolling their borders and Cole is given the task of bombarding some asteroids. The plan works: The ambassadors believe that Sheridan is hiding something from them and ask for the protection of the White Star fleet. In return, Sheridan demands that he also receive help in the event of greater danger. This is how a new alliance emerges.

Delenn and Lennier are on their way to Minbar. There the conflict between the castes has escalated and there is a civil war. Delenn meets with Neroon as a representative of the warrior caste. In a confidential conversation, she explains to him that neither the religious nor the warrior caste should win the war, otherwise an imbalance would arise in the Minbari community. Neroon pretends to support Delenn. Some followers of the religious caste overheard the conversation and believe that Delenn will surrender. So they decide that their ship must never reach Minbar and introduce poison into the ventilation system. Lennier notices this in good time and prevents the disaster, but is seriously injured in the process. He portrays the matter as an accident so that Delenn does not lose faith in her caste. Neroon leaves the ship and contacts his superiors: He is now informed about the plans of the religious caste, whereby the victory of the warriors is imminent.

80 14th In the circle of the star fire Moments of Transition May 19, 1997 22 Aug 1998 Tony Dow J. Michael Straczynski 414
The civil war on Minbar rages on and the religious caste is clearly inferior to the warriors. Delenn offers to surrender to the enemy leader, Shakiri. However, she demands that the religious caste should have a say in the new government. She also insists on an ancient ritual in which the leaders of the warring parties have to step on the “wheel of star fire”. Whoever is willing to sacrifice himself in the fire, his caste should lead the Minbari in the future. Delenn and Shakiri enter the circle, but Shakiri leaves it prematurely out of fear. Neroon, who now doubts Shakiri's motives, pushes Delenn out of the fire and sacrifices himself in her place. In his last words, he urges the others to listen to Delenn and end the war. It then re-establishes the highest government body, the Gray Council. Instead of maintaining the balance of the three castes in the council, it gives the working caste a majority. The workers had been forgotten in the recent conflict, but they had the most important function within the community.

Since Lyta Alexander stopped working for the Vorlons, she's been looking for a job. However, since she's rogue from the Psi-Corps, no employer wants to get into trouble. Bester comes to the ward and offers her to work to ensure that she can work for the corps again. In return, he demands the right to her body after her death. He's interested in the changes the Vorlons have made to her. Indignantly, she refuses and turns to Garibaldi. He could use a telepath in his work for Edgars and hired her. Shortly afterwards he is contacted by Edgars, who explains to him that he does not trust telepaths and that he must dismiss them immediately. Desperate, Alexander now agrees to Bester's offer and from now on wears the uniform of the Psi-Corps again.

Sheridan receives a report that Earth Force ships have attacked transporters from the breakaway colony of Proxima 3. Over ten thousand civilians were killed. He now sees the time to stand against President Clark and free the colonies and the earth from his influence.

81 15th The Liberation of Proxima 3 No surrender, no retreat May 26, 1997 29 Aug 1998 Mike Vejar J. Michael Straczynski 415
Sheridan demands - in return for the White Star patrols - from the extraterrestrial peoples to annul existing contracts with the earth government. Some alien ships are also said to protect Babylon 5. With the White Star fleet, the colony of Proxima 3, which is besieged by earth forces, is to be liberated. There it comes to a fight with several destroyers of the earth. Sheridan tells the crews of the siege fleet not to obey any illegal orders. The crew of one of the destroyers under Commander MacDougan joins Sheridan. President Clark’s forces can be defeated. Sheridan gives the commanders of the remaining ships the choice of returning to Earth or joining him. In this way he wins two more destroyers for his fleet.

Londo visits G'Kar and thanks him for his help on Centauri Prime. He lets him know that he now respects him, but G'Kar is disinterested. Londo also wants G'kar to sign a joint declaration that the Centauri and Narn governments support the Sheridan's resistance. He sees this as an opportunity to build a bridge between the two warring peoples and to encourage other peoples to do the same. After initial hesitation, G'Kar finally agrees.

82 16 Behind the scenes The Exercise of Vital Powers June 2, 1997 5th Sep 1998 John Lafia J. Michael Straczynski 416
Garibaldi travels to Mars to meet his employer William Edgars personally. In an initial conversation Garibaldi confirms his intention to do something to free Sheridan from his alleged megalomania (see S4E10). Edgars hires a telepath and tests Garibaldi's loyalty. His questions mainly concern the telepaths and what Garibaldi thinks of them. He makes no secret of the fact that he considers the telepaths to be a serious threat. Unbeknownst to Garibaldi, Wade's telepath was shot dead after the conversation was over. Since Garibaldi has passed the test, he in turn demands answers from Edgars, who then explains his motivation: He too is of the opinion that the telepaths threaten normal people and will soon turn them into second-class citizens. President Clark's power is based on close cooperation with the Psi-Corps. Edgars is concerned, therefore, that Sheridan's war on Earth could result in Clark giving the Psi-Corps even more power that it will not give up. Edgars has plans of his own, but before revealing Garibaldi, he demands the extradition of Sheridan as a final vote of confidence.

Edgars and Wade enter a room with three sick beds; the people on it are dying. Edgars instructs Wade to relieve the test subjects from their suffering, as the attempt is clearly successful.

Franklin still tries unsuccessfully to remove the shadow implants from the telepaths while they are asleep (cf. S3E14). By chance it turns out that Lyta Alexander can wake up people with a telepathic signal. Franklin succeeds in generating the signal artificially; but the awakened test person is not responsive, confused and extremely aggressive, so that he is brought back to sleep by Alexander. Meanwhile, Sheridan frees other colonies from Clark. He has devised a plan how to use the sleeping telepaths to his advantage in war. Franklin and Alexander then set off for Mars.

83 17th Homo superior The Face of the Enemy June 9, 1997 Sep 12 1998 Mike Vejar J. Michael Straczynski 417
Sheridan continues his campaign against the Earth Government. Because of Clark's powerful propaganda, he can only gain more forces from Earth with difficulty. The "Agamemnon", on which Sheridan was once the commander, is one of the cruisers that join him. Garibaldi reports: Sheridan's father, who has been missing since the unrest on Earth, has been arrested. Garibaldi has a plan to free him, but needs Sheridan's help. Despite recent differences, Sheridan trusts Garibaldi and meets him alone on Mars. There Garibaldi drugged Sheridan, who was then beaten up and captured by Clark's men. Garibaldi turns to Edgars again and now wants to be fully initiated. Edgars explains that his company developed a deadly virus that only infects telepaths and is now set to be released. He also has an antidote (see S4E12) that must be administered at regular intervals. So he wants to forestall the telepaths and keep them on a short leash. When Garibaldi is alone, he breaks out an artificial tooth in which a transmitter is hidden. Shortly afterwards, Bester visits him. Garibaldi is in a kind of paralysis as Bester explains the background: After Garibaldi's disappearance (see S3E22), his personality was manipulated by the Psi-Corps under Bester's guidance. From time to time he would receive messages that further changed his personality until he was a completely different person. Now he has served his purpose and uncovered the conspiracy against the telepaths. Edgars and Wade are then killed; the virus will be destroyed. Garibaldi, who regains his true personality, learns that Edgars' wife Lise escaped. On ISN, he is now celebrated as a hero for his betrayal of Sheridan.

Franklin and Alexander have arrived at the Resistance Headquarters on Mars with the telepaths that are in cold sleep.

84 18th The interrogation Intersections in real time June 16, 1997 19 Sep 1998 John Lafia J. Michael Straczynski 418
In a dark room, Sheridan is mentally and physically tortured by an interrogator. People want to break it until he makes a comprehensive confession in which he publicly admits high treason, mutiny, terrorism and other crimes and names his accomplices. A Drazi is led into the room, who has also apparently been intimidated by torture and is forced to read a false confession. Sheridan can persuade him to stand firm and dissuade him. The Drazi is then dragged into an adjoining room. His screams suggest that he is going to be killed. Sheridan doesn't bow to the interrogator. This gives him one last chance, otherwise the confession could also be forged posthumously. Finally, Sheridan is also taken to the next room, where an executioner is already waiting. But it turns out differently than expected: the "hangman" is the Drazi who just played something for Sheridan. A new interrogator enters the room and asks the same questions again as the first interrogation.
85 19th The tool of retribution Between the Darkness and the Light Oct 6, 1997 26 Sep 1998 David J. Eagle J. Michael Straczynski 419
Garibaldi turns to the Mars Resistance and wants to help free Sheridan. Although he claims to have been manipulated by Bester, the number one leader doesn't believe a word and wants to shoot him immediately, which Franklin prevents. Lyta Alexander scans Garibaldi and telepathically sends his memories to number one, who thereby learns the truth. However, since she cannot provide people, Garibaldi, Alexander and Franklin are on their own to free Sheridan. Garibaldi uses his fame through Sheridan's extradition to get to him. The guards can be overwhelmed and Sheridan, still scarred by drugs and torture, is free.

The fight against Earth Forces continues under Ivanova's command. Clark has learned through spies that the rebel fleet is to gather near Mars shortly before their final attack on Earth. A defected officer informs Ivanova that a squadron of new types of destroyers with absolutely loyal crews is already waiting at this meeting point. Ivanova decides to destroy the ships that have been upgraded with shadow technology. This succeeds with high losses and Ivanova is extremely badly wounded. When Sheridan returns and visits her, he learns that she only has one week to live. She asks Sheridan to command the final battle against Clark aboard the Agamemnon.

At the initiative of Londo and G'kar, a council was called on Babylon 5. All participating races have agreed to reinforce the rebel fleet with their own ships. They want to express their gratitude for Sheridan's role in the shadow war.

86 20th Sons and daughters of the earth Endgame Oct 13, 1997 Oct 10, 1998 John Copeland J. Michael Straczynski 420
Preparations for the final attack on Clark’s troops are under way. Sheridan first wants to shut down the loyal base on Mars so that the way to Earth is free. He receives support from the Mars resistance, which occupies strategically important points on the planet. In order to turn off the earth destroyers guarding Mars, the telepaths come into play during cold sleep. Sheridan had a telepath smuggled aboard every enemy ship. From the planet's surface, Lyta Alexander sends them a telepathic signal, through which they wake up and immediately connect to the control electronics of the destroyers (see S3E14). Most of the ships are incapacitated as a result and Sheridan is not forced to destroy them. He continues on his way to earth. The commander-in-chief of the destroyers, General Lefcourt, gives the order to make the ships operational again and to pursue Sheridan. Sheridan's fleet, made up of ships from various races, finally reaches Earth. In a speech he indicates that the time has now come to rise up against Clark. When some people try to break into Clark's office to arrest him, he commits suicide. Shortly before, he directed several defense satellites against Earth itself, threatening countless deaths. Sheridan manages to destroy the satellites. He receives help from General Lefcourt, who has meanwhile arrived.

Because of her serious injuries before the battle, Ivanova was transferred to Babylon 5 in order to be able to spend her last time there in peace. Marcus Cole, who has developed strong feelings for her in the meantime, does not want to come to terms with her fate. He leaves the fleet to help Ivanova. On the way to the station he searches the computer for measures for incurable diseases and comes across a report by Franklin about an extraterrestrial device that can transfer life energy from one individual to another (see S1E21). Franklin finds out about it and also flies to Babylon 5 to prevent worse.

87 21st The new alliance Rising Star Oct 20, 1997 Oct 17, 1998 Tony Dow J. Michael Straczynski 421
When Franklin arrives on Babylon 5, it is already too late: Cole has found the device and transferred all of his life energy to Ivanova. She has recovered completely, but she blames herself for always rejecting his advances.

While Susanna Luchenko, who has been appointed as interim president, begins to dissolve Clark’s regime and bring his criminals to justice, Sheridan is waiting for a decision as to whether he will also be charged. First he receives a visit from Bester, who wants to know whether his lover Carolyn (cf. S3E14) was among the telepaths who were used against the earth destroyers. However, she is still in cold sleep. Sheridan emphasizes that using telepaths as a weapon was the hardest decision of his life. He also warns Bester against attempting to manipulate the new Earth government as well. Finally, Luchenko offers Sheridan and his senior staff amnesty, but demands that Sheridan leave the Earth Forces. He announced his resignation at a press conference.

Delenn, Londo and G'Kar are also present at the conference. They announce the establishment of a new interstellar alliance to secure peace, to which all great races and many smaller ones belong, and invite the new Earth government to join this alliance. Delenn promises protection by White Star ships and new technologies. As part of the agreement, the Mars colony also gains independence. The president of this alliance is Sheridan. He then meets his father, who is well and who meets Delenn for the first time.

Garibaldi was able to track down Lise on Mars. She is in the clutches of criminals who want to extort ransom. Garibaldi frees them and they become a couple again.

Ivanova is promoted to captain, takes command of a destroyer and leaves Babylon 5. Sheridan and Delenn marry.

88 22nd In a hundred years, in a thousand years The Deconstruction of Falling Stars Oct 27, 1997 Oct 24, 1998 Stephen Furst J. Michael Straczynski 501
In the distant future, a human being will look at records from past times.

2262: In a panel discussion on ISN, Sheridan's suitability to lead the Interstellar Alliance is debated and how long this alliance will last. While one of Sheridan's opponents accuses him of hunger for power and considers his alliance to be short-lived, the others don't want to judge too quickly and give Sheridan the opportunity to prove himself.

2362: On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Interstellar Alliance, three experts discuss in a live broadcast. There is broad agreement that the meaning of Babylon 5, Sheridan and Delenn was rather symbolic. Nor can one attribute the events that led to the formation of the alliance to a few people. Sheridan is portrayed again as megalomaniac and power-hungry. Suddenly a very old Delenn walks into the room. She insists that Sheridan was a good man and leaves.

2762: There is civil war on earth. A man named Daniel is a member of the faction that works against the Interstellar Alliance. He runs a simulation that creates holograms of Sheridan, Delenn, Franklin, and Garibaldi. They are provided with memories recorded in the past so that their personalities are temporarily restored. Daniel wants to use the holograms for records that cast the founding of the Interstellar Alliance in a bad light. Garibaldi engages Daniel in a conversation and learns that Daniel's faction is planning a preemptive strike against the enemy. Garibaldi secretly transmits the conversation to the enemy, whereupon a nuclear war begins.

3262: Since the war 500 years ago, the inhabitants of the earth have been a primitive people who have no knowledge of space travel. In an ancient monastery, Brother Michael turns to his teacher Alwin with concern. He doubts the Rangers he knows from scriptures even exist. Sheridan, Lorien or Ivanova, he fears, could only be mythical creatures. Perhaps the Rangers would never return to, as prophesied, one day help the people rebuild. Alwin convinces him to hold on to his belief. When Michael leaves the room, it becomes clear that Alwin is a ranger and that rebuilding is already underway. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, this should be done slowly and covertly.

A million years in the future: The person who has viewed the records assumes a form of light and enters a suit similar to those of the Vorlons. He is setting out on a “new earth” just before the sun becomes a nova. The spaceship bears the Rangers mark.


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