Barbara E. Weissenberger

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Barbara E. Weißenberger (* 1967 ) is a German economist. She holds the chair for business administration , especially accounting , at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and an affiliate professor of accounting at Bucerius Law School Hamburg.


From 1988 to 1992 Barbara E. Weißenberger studied business administration with a degree in business administration at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management , Vallendar, the HEC Paris and the Kellogg School of Management , Evanston. After her doctorate as Dr. rer. pole. In 1996 at the chair for controlling of Jürgen Weber at the WHU Otto-Beisheim-School of Management with the thesis "On the information relationship between management and accounting" she received the Venia Legendi for the subject of business administration for her with the Austrian controller price excellent writing "Incentive Compatible Income Statement in the Group". Immediately thereafter, she was appointed to the Chair of Controlling as a university professor at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen as the successor to Dietger Hahn . She held this position until she moved to Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf in 2014.


In her business research, Barbara E. Weißenberger deals with the design of controlling as part of corporate management (management control systems). With her team, she researches design-oriented proposed solutions for a wide range of questions, such as the suitability of IFRS -based financial indicators as a financial language for controlling, the behavioral optimization of decision-making and control processes in controlling or the further development of the controlling and finance function in connection with new ones Developments such as corporate social responsibility , compliance or digital transformation . The dissertation “Value-oriented management of decentralized decision-makers in the product life cycle ” by Jochen A. Hönninger, which was created under her supervision, was awarded the Péter Horváth Controlling Prize in 2011 .


In university teaching, Barbara E. Weißenberger is particularly committed to research-oriented business teaching using modern digital technologies, for example within the framework of inverted classroom concepts . In 2017, she was awarded a fellowship for innovations in digital university teaching by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft .


Barbara E. Weißenberger is a member of the Association of University Lecturers for Business Administration , which she headed from 2015 to 2016 as CEO. In this function, she particularly emphasized the importance of university business administration not only for the training of managers, but also as a source of ideas for successful economic and social policy.

She is also a member of the Verein für Socialpolitik as well as a member of the internal accounting working group of the Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration , in which she was also appointed to the Board of Directors for the 2019-2023 term of office.



  • Introduction to accounting (with Jürgen Weber ), Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 9th edition (2015), ISBN 978-3-7910-3436-2
  • IFRS for Controllers, Freiburg: Rudolf Haufe, 2nd edition (2011), ISBN 978-3-448-10144-7
  • Controller and IFRS: Consequences for controller tasks through financial reporting according to IFRS, White Book of the International Group of Controlling (editor), Freiburg: Rudolf Haufe (2006), ISBN 978-3-448-07539-7
  • Incentive-compatible income statement in the group, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2003, ISBN 978-3-8244-7806-4
  • The information relationship between management and accounting. Analysis of institutional coordination, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 1997, ISBN 978-3-8244-6422-7

Articles in specialist journals:

  • CFO work 2030: How will the CFO work in 10 years ?, in: Controlling, 29th year (2017) (Issue 9), pp. 5-9.
  • The Relationship between Informal Controls, Ethical Work Climates, and Organizational Performance (with Sebastian Göbel), in: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 141 (2017), Issue 3, pp. 505–528 ( DOI: 10.1007 / s10551-015- 2700-7 ).
  • Beating the base-rate fallacy: an experimental approach on the effectiveness of different information (with Christine Ohlert), Journal of Management Control, Vol. 26 (2015), issue. 1, pp. 51-80. ( DOI: 10.1007 / s00187-015-0205-2 ).
  • Are we lost in Translation? An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of IFRS Translation on Accounting Judgment (with Gero Holthoff and Florian Hoos), in: Accounting in Europe, Vol. 12 (2015), Issue 1, pp. 107–125. ( DOI: 10.1080 / 17449480.2015.1052824 ).
  • Controllers as Business Partners in Managerial Decision-Making: Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Internal Improvements (with Sebastian Wolf, Marius Wehner and Rüdiger Kabst ), in: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 11 (2015), issue 1 , Pp. 24-46 ( DOI: 10.1108 / JAOC-10-2012-0100 ).

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Individual evidence

  1. , downloaded on June 30, 2014
  2. , downloaded on June 30, 2014
  3. , downloaded on December 17, 2016
  4. , downloaded on January 18, 2018
  5. -vhb / , downloaded June 30, 2014
  6. , downloaded on December 17, 2016