Barbara Tucholke

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Barbara Tucholke (born 1939 in Dresden ) is a German graphic artist and painter .

Live and act

Barbara Tucholke comes from a family of sculptors in Dresden. Her grandfather Oskar Paul Hempel was the head master of stone sculptors in Dresden and worked as a sculptor, as did her father Werner Hempel and her brother Christian Hempel .

From 1963 Barbara Tucholke worked as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer . In the same year she became a member of the Association of Visual Artists . Between 1976 and 1972 she had a permanent position as a graphic designer and layouter for the magazine Neue Berliner Illustrierte . She then switched to Progress Film Distribution , where she was responsible in particular for the design of film posters . In 1977 Tucholke left Progress and again worked as a freelance press illustrator, illustrator and graphic designer. A 1987 scholarship from the Berlin Magistrate enabled her to study pastel technique . Since 1988 she has been mainly active as a painter. The developments in digital technology inspired her to such an extent that she also found her way to computer painting in 1990.

The two daughters Annette Tucholke (born 1959) and Julia Tucholke (1962), who are also artistically active , come from her relationship with the graphic artist Dieter Tucholke, whom she met during her studies in Berlin .

Barbara Tucholke left her adopted home Berlin-Mitte after almost 60 years and has lived in Bernau since 2015 .

Artistic creation

Urban and natural landscapes have accompanied Barbara Tucholke in her artistic work for many years.

In particular, the architecture of the 19th century with its industrial buildings , commercial yards and backyards or the old cemeteries in the middle of the big city inspire her artistic work. Her Berlin views, painted from a special frog's perspective , became her trademark. Houses and street canyons seem to have got into a surreal imbalance. What it shows are "melancholy finds from the picturesque, old-urban capital milieu: construction sites, firewalls, backyards, factory facades, window views."

The contrast to this is the barren landscape of Mecklenburg , the vastness of the fields, the trees and groups of trees, the field stones and the brick houses in the villages, which she also depicts in her artistic work.

Her image motifs in computer painting are often of an erotic nature, depicting female nudes, cat motifs or mixing people and animals.

Barbara Tucholke's works are in public and private ownership, including in the Berghuis Assen Collection ( Netherlands ), IKB Industriebank, JOBconsult, Conway Collection London (Great Britain).

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1991: Personal exhibition , IKB-Deutsche Industriebank, Berlin
  • 1993: Berlin pastels: houses - streets - backyards , Galerie Wort und Werk, Berlin
  • 1995: Still lifes and pastels Vorpommern , Galerie Spittelkolonnaden, Berlin
  • 1999: Between Heaven and Asphalt , Inselgalerie, Berlin (with Jürgen Graetz)
  • 2000: Landscape and Sculpture , Galerie Haus Gartenstraße, Nauen (with Günter Nowak)
  • 2000: StattLandschaft , Galerie Amalienpark, Berlin (with Jörg Schultz-Liebisch)
  • 2000: Participation Assen seen through Berlin eyes , Drents Museum Assen, Netherlands
  • 2001: Courtyards - Houses - Streets , JOBconsult Berlin
  • 2002: Stones, trees, houses - motifs in Western Pomerania , Galerie Spittelkolonnaden, Berlin
  • 2003: VBK annual exhibition Homage à… Berlin , Museum Mitte von Berlin
  • 2003: BERLIN - AnSichten , architectural painting , Berlin City Library House
  • 2004: City & Landscape , GSW Headquarters Berlin
  • 2005: Participation for 35 years working group of Berlin architectural painters
  • 2006: Berlin and other motifs , Central and State Library Berlin, Haus Berliner Stadtbibliothek
  • 2007: Animal - Human , Gallery Spittelkolonnaden, Berlin (with Julia Tucholke)
  • 2008: Reflections - Berlin and Western Pomerania , Galerie 100, Berlin
  • 2010: City and Country , Galerie am Domhof, Zwickau


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b curriculum vitae of the painter Barbara Tucholke. Retrieved on February 5, 2020 (German).
  2. ↑ The sculptor Hempel. Steinbildhauer und Steinmetz GmbH, accessed on February 5, 2020 .
  3. a b Kittens that delight. 2017, accessed February 5, 2020 .
  4. Brigitte Biermann: Addicted to the beautiful. The Berlin painter Barbara Tucholke captures what will soon no longer exist. Ed .: The magazine. No. 07/1999 . Kurznachzehn Verlag, Berlin.
  5. ^ Art Pictures Berlin Painting by Barbara Tucholke. Retrieved February 5, 2020 .
  6. Jürgen Knaack: NEUNPLUS1 - Barbara Tucholke. Retrieved February 5, 2020 .