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Black ribbon barbel (Barbodes lateristriga)

Black ribbon barbel ( Barbodes lateristriga )

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Subfamily : Smiliogastrinae
Genre : Barbodes
Scientific name
Bleeker , 1859

Barbodes is a genus of Asian carp fish . The distribution area extends from India to Indonesia and in the north also reaches southern China and Taiwan.


Barbodes species are 18 to 60 cm long. They are of the typical more or less high-backed carp fish shape and have two pairs of more or less powerful barbels on the upper jaw. The last unbranched dorsal fin ray is sawn at its rear edge. The lips are smooth and thin. Rostral and maxillary barbels are present (Rostral barbels are absent in B. aurotaeniatus ). The sideline may or may not be complete. In a middle row one counts 22 to 32, rarely more scales. ½4 / 1 / 4½ scales are found between the base of the dorsal fin and the midline of the abdomen. The tail stalk is surrounded by 12 rows of scales. On the first gill arch one counts 12 to 15 gill rakes . Barbodes can be distinguished from other Southeast Asian barb species mainly by their color. Young fish have 3 to 5 spots along their lateral centerline, including one at the base of the caudal fin and one at the beginning of the dorsal fin. As growth progresses, the spots can become more numerous or grow together to form a broad longitudinal band. The spot at the beginning of the dorsal fin becomes larger or takes the form of a broad bar.


The genus Barbodes was expanded significantly in November 2013 when the Swiss ichthyologist Maurice Kottelat assigned numerous species to the genus that had previously been placed in Puntius .

Barbodes dunckeri
Barbodes kuchingensis

Barbodes binotatus group

The fish in this group are 6 to 24 cm long, have rostral and maxillary barbels, 22 to 32 scales along the lateral line, a last unbranched dorsal fin ray that is more or less strongly toothed and show a drawing with a blurred, dark longitudinal stripe on the sides of the body , in some species combined with numerous other dark spots and spots. Apart from the eponymous species of the group, which is widespread in Southeast Asia, and the Barbodes xouthos , which is restricted to Brunei , all other species live on islands in the southern Philippines . They are said to have descended from a population of the spotted mullet that spread over a land bridge over the Sulu Sea to Mindanao during an ice age .

In one of the largest lakes in the Philippines, Lake Lanao on Mindanao , these fish formed a school of species with around 13 endemic species. From this flock of species there are only two species left ( B. lindog and B. tumba ) while the others ( B. amarus , B. baoulan , B. clemensi , B. disa , B. flavifuscus , B. herrei , B. katolo , B. lanaoensis , as manalak , as pachycheilus , as Sirang and B. tras for some time not) more were proved and probable by the lowering of the water level due to the use of Seewassern by hydropower plants, and the introduction of invasive species , before especially the goby Glossogobius giurus , have been exterminated.

Spotted barb ( B. binotatus )


Individual evidence

  1. M. Arunachalam, M. Raja, M. Muralidharan, RL Mayden: Phylogenetic Relationships of Species of Hypselobarbus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae): An Enigmatic Clade Endemic to Aquatic Systems of India. Zootaxa 3499: 63-73 (2012)
  2. Lei Yanga, Tetsuya Sado, M. Vincent Hirt, Emmanuel Pasco-Viel, M. Arunachalam, Junbing Li, Xuzhen Wang, Jörg Freyhof , Kenji Saitoh, Andrew M. Simons, Masaki Miya, Shunping He, Richard L. Mayden (2015 ): Phylogeny and Polyploidy: Resolving the Classification of Cyprinine Fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, February 2015, doi: 10.1016 / j.ympev.2015.01.014
  3. Rohan Pethiyagoda, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Kalana Maduwage: A synopsis of the South Asian fishes referred to Puntius (Pisces: Cyprinidae). In: Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. Volume 23, No. 1, June 2012, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munich, ISSN  0936-9902 , pp. 69-95.
  4. ^ Inland Waters Biodiversity: Lakes - Lake Lanao
  5. ^ A b Gladys B. Ismail: The Status and Life History Traits of Endemic, Native and Introduced Species in Lake Lanao, Philippines. (PDF)

Web links

Commons : Barbodes  - collection of images, videos and audio files