Siege of Bursa

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Siege of Bursa
Gate of Bursa Castle
Gate of Bursa Castle
date 1317 or 1320 to April 6, 1326
place Bursa
output Ottoman victory
Parties to the conflict

Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire

Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire



Osman I.
Köse Mihal

Troop strength
12,000 10,000

Siege of Bursa (also Prusa , Prousa , Brusa or Broussa ) refers to the siege of Bursa by the Ottoman troops from 1317/20 until it was captured on April 6, 1326, when the Ottomans came up with a plan to conquer Prusa. The Ottomans had never conquered a city; the lack of expertise and adequate siege equipment at this stage of the war meant that the city fell after six or nine years.

The historian Laonikos Chalkokondyles notes that the Ottomans took advantage of the Byzantine civil war of 1321-1328 to conquer the city. According to some sources, Osman I died of natural causes shortly before the fall of the city, while others suggest that he lived long enough to hear of the victory on his deathbed and was buried in Bursa afterwards.


After the fall of the city, Osman's son and successor Orhan made Bursa the first official Ottoman capital, and this remained so until 1366 when Edirne became the new capital. As a result, Bursa holds a special place in Ottoman history as the founding city and the birthplace of Ottoman architecture ( Great Mosque of Bursa (1399), Bayezid I Mosque (1395), Hüdavendigar Mosque (1385) and Yeşil Mosque (1421)) a. During his reign, Orhan promoted urban growth by building buildings such as imarets , Turkish baths , mosques , inns, and caravanserais . He also built a mosque and a madrasah in what is now the Hisar district. After his death he was buried there in his Türbe (mausoleum) next to his father. The Muslim traveler Ibn Battuta , who visited Bursa in 1331, was impressed by the Sultan and found Bursa a pleasant city.

"... with beautiful bazaars and wide streets that are surrounded on all sides by gardens and flowing springs."

- Ibn Battūta

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Clifford Rogers: The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-533403-6 , p. 261.
  2. Cathal J. Nolan: The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000-1650: An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization . Greenwood Publishing Group, Greenwood 2006, ISBN 0-313-33733-0 , pp. 100-101.
  3. ^ Anthony Kaldellis: The Histories. Dumbarton Oaks, 2014, ISBN 978-0-674-59918-5 , p. 25.
  4. AH Hore: Eighteen Centuries of the Orthodox Greek Church. Gorgias Press, 2003, ISBN 1-59333-051-0 , p. 455.
  5. ^ Donald Edgar Pitcher: An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire: From Earliest Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century. Brill Archive, 1972, p. 37.
  6. Michael RT Dumper, Bruce E. Stanley (Ed.): Cities of the Middle East and North Africa: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO, 2007, ISBN 978-1-57607-919-5 , p. 101.
  7. ^ Gábor Ágoston, Bruce Alan Masters: Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. Infobase Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4381-1025-7 , p. 105.
  8. ^ Lynn A. Levine: Frommer's Istanbul. John Wiley & Sons, 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-91579-0 , p. 238.
  9. ^ Caroline Finkel: Osman's Dream: The History of the Ottoman Empire. Basic Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-465-00850-6 , p. 13.