Ben Hammersley

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Ben Hammersley (2010)

Ben Hammersley (born April 3, 1976 in Leicester ) is a British expert on the information age , author and journalist . He specializes in the impact of the post- digital and post-internet age and the requirements that result from them.


Hammersley was the first internet reporter for The Times , which was shortlisted for a UK Press Awards, as well as a reporter for The Guardian and the UK branch of MSN . During his early career, Hammersley specialized in technology journalism, but also reported often from countries like Iran and Afghanistan . In 1999, he went undercover to interview the Burmese opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi . As a result, he worked both in the field of war reporting and continued to work on technological issues. He wrote several specialist books for publishers such as O'Reilly Media. He is also credited with inventing the word “podcasting” in 2004, from which “podcast” and “podcasts” developed.

In 2010 he launched The Journal of Post-Digital Geopolitics , in which he examines geopolitics , diplomacy , security and international strategies in the information age .

He is Deputy Editor- in- Chief at the UK edition of Wired magazine (Condé Nast Verlag), Head of Digital Media at SIX Creative and Director of Dangerous Precedent . He also works as a freelance reporter for the BBC and as a consultant for the UK Foreign Office . He teaches and lectures internationally and has edited five books.

Hammersley is a member of the UK cultural institution RSA, the Savage Club and Frontline Club, and the Transatlantic Network 2020 . He lives alternately in London and New York .


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