Benedikt Gottlieb Clauswitz

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Benedikt Gottlieb Clauswitz (born July 12, 1692 in Großwiederitzsch ; † May 7, 1749 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German Lutheran theologian and clergyman . He taught at the University of Halle .


The son of the Leipzig preacher M. Johann Karl Clauswitz and Johanna Elisabeth, daughter of the preacher Augustin Mirus, received lessons from his father until 1703, then at the Nikolaischule . There he learned the Latin, Greek and Hebrew languages. In 1708 he began studying theology and philosophy at the University of Leipzig , where he learned Chaldean, Syriac and oriental literature, as well as French and Italian.

In 1711 Clauswitz defended his dissertation and was promoted to Magister . He has also been allowed to give lectures on Greek and Hebrew since then. In 1718 he received the theological Baccalaureus degree . Thereupon he became Saturday preacher of the Thomaskirche .

After the death of his father on November 13, 1721, Clauswitz received the pastor's post in his hometown in 1723. In 1732 he moved to the St. Maximi Church in Merseburg as archdeacon .

In 1738 the University of Halle appointed Clauswitz full professor at the theological faculty . The next year on March 16 he received his doctorate there . Since then he has read theology and preached in the school church.

He fulfilled his professorship with applause until his death. He died in 1749 at the age of 56. Clauswitz was said to have a good knowledge of languages ​​and theological disciplines and was a lovely person.


Clauswitz was first married to Christiane Maria Thieme, daughter of Colbitz superintendent M. Clemens Thieme. She died in 1737. Since she had given him eight sons and a daughter, he married the daughter of a Merseburg official actuary, Juliane Friederike Kirsten, who bore him four more children.

The following two of Clauswitz's sons are known:

  • Carl Christian Clauswitz (1734–1795), court master
  • Friedrich Gabriel Clauswitz (1740–1802), lieutenant in the Seven Years' War, married to Friederike Charlotte Dorothea (1746–1811), son is the Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz

The widow Juliane Friederike Kirsten later married the then Major Gustav Detlef von Hundt, a brother of the later General Johann Christian von Hundt .


  • Diss. De Epicteti […] in iis, quae ad Deum pertinent (Leipzig, 1711)
  • Observationes theologicae et philologicae ad Matth. 20, 42. 43 (Leipzig, 1712)
  • Diss. II de officiis hominis circa sensus externos (Leipzig, 1717)
  • Diss. Theol. de fundamento ecclesiae evangelicae unico claro, infallibili (Leipzig, 1717)
  • Diss. An homines omnes ad studium logicae artificialis obligentur? (Leipzig, 1718)
  • Diss. De sensu verborum Cohel. 7, 16. 17 (Leipzig, 1721)
  • Diss. De eo, quod in judicandis aliorum vitiis rectum est (Leipzig, 1722)
  • Explanation of the penitential texts in Saxony (Leipzig, 1722)
  • Reason and Scripture (Leipzig, 1733)
  • Progr. De methodo acroamatica in Theologia (Halle, 1738)
  • Diss. XIII de fide in Jesum Christum (Halle, 1739)
  • Comment. de Luca Evangelista medico (Halle, 1740)
  • Diss. De autographorum biblicorum jactura ecclesiae minime noxia (Halle, 1741)
  • Progr. Baschale de mortuis tempore resurrectionis Christi resuscitatis (Halle, 1741)
  • Progr. Pentecostale de analogia inter pentecosten Veteris et Novi Testamenti (Halle, 1741)
  • Progr. Paschale de iis, qui aevo apostolico in Pauli epistolis obvii resurrectionem carnis negarunt (Halle, 1744)
  • Progr. Pentecostale de nexu sanctificationis cum justificatione (Halle, 1744)
  • Progr.paschale expediens impedita in harmonia historiae resurrectionis Christi (Halle, 1747)
  • Progr. Pentecostale de Spiritu S. arrhabone (Halle, 1747)


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