Benedict Herles

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Benedikt Herles (born March 7, 1984 in Starnberg ) is a German author and economist .


Benedikt Herles grew up as the son of the television journalist Wolfgang Herles in Bonn and Munich . In 2008 he completed a degree in economics at the Ludwig Maximilians University with distinction. He then did his doctorate at the EBS University of Economics and Law with a thesis on the emergence of economic values. In 2011 and 2012, Herles worked as a management consultant in various industries. His experiences as an economics student and strategy consultant motivated Herles to write an elite and management review entitled Die kaputte Elite - a damage report from our executive suite . From 2013 onwards, Herles worked for various venture capital funds. In 2018, Herles published a book called Future Blind - How We Lose Control of Progress. From the perspective of a venture capital investor, Herles discusses technological megatrends and their effects on the economy, society and politics.

Herles has been Head of Sustainable Transformation at KPMG since 2020 .

Herles publishes a regular online column for Capital Magazine under the title Herles' Zukunftsblick . He wrote for the German GQ and DIE WELT .

Positions and reception

In his public statements Herleshausen criticized the intellectual one-sidedness of Management - elite and their training . The former Porsche - CEO Wendelin Wiedeking evaluates Herleshausen observations as "incorruptible analysis of management problems of our economy."

Herles criticizes the term digitization , which in his opinion falls short. Rather, exponential technological upheavals would result in a “turning point in the history of civilization” with corresponding social and societal consequences. Gabor Steingart on Herles' perspective: He "doesn't open our eyes, he tears them open". The Handelsblatt speaks of a "wake-up call".


  • Future Blind - How We Lose Control of Progress . Droemer, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-426-27731-7 .
  • The Broken Elite - A damage report from our executive suite . Knaus, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-8135-0555-9 .
  • Value in the mirror of economic rationality - a critical consideration . Eul, Lohmar / Cologne 2011, ISBN 978-3-8441-0053-2 .


Web links

Footnotes and individual references

  1. a b Katja Riedel: The Rethinker. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung of October 4, 2013
  3. a b blurb The broken elite - a damage report from our executive suite . Knaus, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-8135-0555-9 .
  4. The book achieved SPIEGEL bestseller status and reached number 4 on the business bestseller list. see: (accessed December 8, 2016)
  5. Stefanie Bilen: Away with the monkeys . In: The Wall Street Journal Germany of October 8, 2013
  6. ; LinkedIn presence of Benedikt Herles. Accessed February 1, 2020 .
  7. ^ Column by Benedikt Herles in Capital magazine. Retrieved on October 20, 2019 (German).
  8. Essays in issues 1/2019 and 2/2019 of the German GQ. (Title: Shares for Everyone and Social Coins instead of Social Aid )
  9. Benedikt Herles: Digitization: We can no longer afford future blindness . December 19, 2018 ( [accessed February 28, 2019]).
  10. a b Literature tip: Blind for the future: Warning of the risks of digital upheaval - wake-up call from a tech investor. Retrieved February 28, 2019 .
  11. ↑ Blurb Blind to the Future - How We Lose Control of Progress . Droemer, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-426-27731-7